Chapter 57: The Puppeteer

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Gong Zi hissed in pain as he threw the bloody bullet to the ground. He raised his thumb and rubbed it against his index finger where specks of gunpowder created quick sparks due to friction. His eyes wandered around the warehouse where a dozen of black body bags lie. Hanging from above are human sized cages with something wailing in them.

"It's time to wake you guys up." He said, standing up to grab something from his pockets. He threw the rectangular object in the air and fired at it with his gun. As the bullet made a hole in the object's body mid-air, light blue gas was exhausted. It spread across the warehouse and sent the bodies inside the body bags trembling in an animalistic matter.


Y/n's running came to halt once she reached the double doors of the warehouse. She tried to push and pull the frame but it won't budge. She sighed and decided to look around for another opening.

15 meters away from the warehouse is a train yard with stranded carts and debris.

"What the hell are those?" Y/n frowned when she saw several wooden crosses on the dirt with grave stones broken and the dirt dug up. As if it was done purposefully.

Y/n groaned as she stood on her toes hoping to see a clear view of it but no avail it didn't work. She looked around once more and still, no signs of any entrances.

Y/n smirked. "Guess we're gonna do this the spidey way."

Y/n jogged away from the warehouse to get a good angle of the rooftop and laid out her wrist. She aimed it straight off the curve of the roof for a tight grip and shot a single sturdy weave. She was plunged immediately into the air as soon as it hit the material. Once she's hit the top, she extended her right leg and hurled it onto the galvanized roof.

The impact sent her straight down the warehouse in no time and it created a huge hole on the roof. She then landed gracefully on the ground with a small thud.

"Blood... Blood... So predictable..." A raspy voice came from across the warehouse.

Y/n's eyes scanned the floor where a dozen of body bags are now empty. Their zippers pulled down. She was starting to get a bad feeling about this.

"What happened when Alice came down the rabbit hole?" Gong Zi eyes her nonchalantly. His upper clothing torn apart but that's not what caught Y/n's attention.

He's healing. Y/n widened her eyes. Nobody can survive a gunshot that long without proper equipment to remove the bullet.

"She discovered something unsual. Something unique. Someplace magical." With a waggish grin he stood up, wobbling a little.

Gong Zi looks up in glee as Y/n mimicked his actions. That was her last straw. Inside the hanging cages were humans. Specifically kids. Skinned alive. Blisters covered most of their inner flesh. They were crying. Begging for help. But Y/n knew better. They should've been resting. In peace.

Then something hit her. T-virus. It did its best to hide the rotting smell coming from the now revived corpses.

"Now this," Gong Zi continued, "this is the rabbit hole my friend. I want you to admire this wonderful masterpiece."

Y/n didn't notice that he already pulled out a gun and fired at the chains holding the cages from above. It came falling down, its hinges becoming loose and the door swung open.

"What did you do?" Y/n glared at him. With just a blink of her eye, her orbs turned obsidian.

"Oh? You don't like what I had prepared for you?" He teases.

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant