Chapter 3 : Polaroid

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Author's POV

After Lunch, Timothee went back to his apartment located within Misty Street. The place where rich and elite people of Waffenranch live. Hence, they're pretty sophisticated.

"Not tonight." Timothee said as he changed his clothes in his closet while his phone is on loud speaker.

"Got plans?"

"Tomorrow night perhaps."


Then Timothee swished his hand in the air and the call ended. Plans. I do got plans. He sighed as he recalled his schedule with Lilith tonight. Ruffling his hair, he made his way downstairs, underground to his almighty haven where his scientific tinkering takes the best of him. Timothee closed the door and wore his lab coat and white gloves.


"Mrs. Carter! Open the door!" Nathan shouted as he knocked at the door simultaneously until a blonde old woman came out. Prolly in her mid-60's.

"Oh thank the Heavens! Come in, come in." She opened the door wide and allowed the officers to enter.

"Here's the issues." She showed her toilet and it had that black thing in it as well. "I wanted my grandkids to visit but with this mess, I don't think it will be welcoming enough."

"How long has this been going on?" Nathan asked.

"Two weeks sir." Nathan sighed. "Then Mrs. Carter why would you call the Police?"

"Oh, well, uhh.."

Nathan stared at her in disbelief and grabbed his radio from his pockets. "Teresa. Call the plumber. Tell them to come ASAP."

"Yes sir. Will do."

"Now Mrs. Carter, you said your grandkids were visiting?" He needed to calm her down since she's been walking back and forth already.

"Yes sir. Would you like to see their pictures?"

He nodded. Mrs. Carter took out her phone and flashed a photo of two male blondes. "The first one is six while the second is 3. They look cute right?"

"Indeed. Which did they inherit the most? The mother's genes or the father's?"

Mrs. Carter chuckled. " The mother sir. My daughter. How about you sir, do you have grandkids already?"

Nathan shook his head. " They're still 'young'." He smiled when he thought about Timothee.

" Ohh, I see. Actually, my daughter just graduated a week ago too!"

" Oh so she got married early?"

" Yes. But it's ok for me. After my husband died, I couldn't afford being alone in the house that I even volunteered to look after the kids while my daughter goes to work."


" What am I going to wear?" Lilith groaned while she threw her clothes all around her closet and onto the bed.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Mother Amelia's prepping the chicken for dinner. When she turned the faucet off, the water won't drain. "Oh dear, why?" She sighed. "Lilith!!!!" The younger immediately went down in the speed of light.


"Lili-what are you wearing?!" Mother Amelia pointed at her bright red bra and cycling shorts.

"I was looking for something to wear, sorry." She grinned.

"oh, you're going on a date?" Mother Amelia wiggled her brows.

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora