Chapter 27: Greenhouse

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I woke up from my deep slumber to the sound of the wind hitting the dirty glass panes of the greenhouse. The trees outside swayed side to side and I navigated our surroundings. No signs of those creatures, no syndicates chasing us. I relaxed against the creaky sofa chair situated beside the door ajar. I know it's not a good hiding spot but despite it being abandoned, the greenhouse felt warm. Taking my phone out, I checked the time.

3:49 AM

Sighing, I looked at Jia who's sleeping on top of a wooden table with a makeshift blanket over her and her bag as her pillow. Ada on the other hand is busy scrolling through her so called "cubic phone". It looks like a phone from 2030 something.

"Can't sleep?" Ada briefly looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. For the first time, she's not wearing those skinny jeans and cleavage revealing tops but a dress. A chinese dress. Still in red but it looks traditional. The collar reaches up to her neck and the sleeves are short, exposing her pale skin. The body of the dress is made of silk with nude lotus flowers and other nature-y designs.

"I have to take my dose." I stood up before she could see I was staring and rummaged through my backpack. "How did it feel?" She started. I picked up one vial and prepped my arm. "When you transformed for the first time?"

I chuckled. " It hurts." I injected the syringe. " I felt like every organ is burning and my nervous system is running too damn fast." I flexed my arm and hid the empty vial back in my bag. Ada flipped her cubic phone and stood up from the ground.

I leaned back and sighed. "What hurt the most that time was my back. I had no idea what my transformation was, then the weave bursted out on either sides of my spine."

Ada shivered at the thought and I laughed. " Yeah, you don't wanna know what happened next." We both remained silent allowing the night breeze to howl.

We listened to the rustling leaves scattered on the floor. And did I mention the other aesthetically pleasing stuff in the greenhouse? There's a statue of a lady holding her tunic in the middle. There's a stone slab beneath her feet and water inside. I have no idea where that water is from. To the right where Ada is, is a rusty charcoal desk with drawers. On top is are books and a pot plaved upsidedown.

Much to my curiosity, I went to the books and skimmed through it. The third book is already open and the words are quite hard to understand. Or is it just me? The handwriting is very intricate and vintage. I flipped through the other pages when Afa tapped my shoulder.

"There's a chandelier if you wanna read." She pointed at the ceiling. "Nice!" My weave came out and set fire on the candles sitting on its arms filled with cobwebs. Giving light to the greenhouse. Startled, me and Ada looked up and saw a bird cage with its doors open and an owl perched inside.

Ada walked towards it and I shifted my attention back to the book. The material was so out of thsi world. I believe this is more than a year old but the paper is still intact. I stepped aside to view the image clearly.

A logo? No. A crest? This isn't Greek Mythology, right?

As I traced the emblem, my mind took notes of the details. Two swords, the kind of swords people use for fencing. Hovering these swords is a shield with flowers growing over it. This doesn't sound like Greek Mythology. Gripping my phone, I snapped a picture of it and flipped through the next page. Another set of gibberish writings so I skipped. Is that a language from the 15th century?

I peered through my shoulder and saw the owl in Ada's arms and her petting its head. Cute. Another crest popped up. It depicts a half-sun, half-moon emblem with wind flowing through it. Is this Celtic related? Of course, I took a pic. I can show this to Timothee. Maybe he can tell me what this is. I do love me some Cottagecore stuff.

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