Chapter 4: Seagrave

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Author's POV {8:05 PM}


"Destination: Artifacts Museum. Galway Street." The car AI reminder said as he overtake an SUV and stepped on the brakes again."too long." He rested his hands on his lap. Taking in the cold night breeze. Wait for me Lilith. Bzzz. Bzzzz. He didn't hear it at first since the line started to move so he stepped on the accelerator. Bzzz. Bzzz.Timothee glanced at the seat beside him and his phone's lit up.

"It's just a number." He sighed. Turning the call off. "Maybe it's just a client." Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. " What now." Timothee picked up the call. He only heard a low moan on the other side. " Geez." So he turned it off again and dialed himself. " That was fast." Timothee chuckled when the called picked up less than a second.

" Huff... Hufff... Tim... Timothee..."

Timothee furrowed his brows. " Mena?"

Mena's lying down on the floor, her right hand holding the phone while her other held her bleeding neck. Holding for dear life.

"I need help... I need... You... My kids..."

"Fuck!" Timothee slammed his hands on the steering wheel. "Stay on the line, Mena." He punched the coordinates on his phone and connected it onto the screen on his car. Outside of the city, dammit. His engine revved. Squeezing through every little space his car can fit into. Mena huffed and puffed. Her energy slowly being drained from her as she stared into the forced open door of her house.

"That's right, Mena. Just keep breathing." Timothee fumbled his pockets, tweezing his second phone with his two fingers until his hand had full access to its body. Then he dialed a number. "Pick up. Pick up."

"Yo, who the hell- Timothee?"

"Jake, where are you?"

"Outside of the city, trading some guns here. Wassup?"

"It's Mena."

"Mena? Wait, what?"

"I'll send you the coordinates."


Timothee parked his car in front of a light green house with hanging plants outside. Slamming the door, he ran to the doorstep and immediately bent down to Mena's level. " Fuck, fuck, fuck." Timothee removed her hand from her neck, revealing a slash and blood gushing out of it. The T.V was on and it's playing a kids movie and there's food settled on the table near the sofa.

" What happened here?" Timothee asked as he placed her head on his lap. " It's... Wesker."

" Shit."

" My kids. Please...find my kids, Timothee."

Timothee couldn't utter the words as his throat began to burn in anguish. "My kids..." Timothee felt the weight increase as Mena slowly drifted into oblivion. Her eyes wide open and a tear escaped one last time. "What the hell happen-" Jake balled his fist and brought it up to his mouth when he saw a pool of blood in front of him. "She's half transformed." Timothee indicated her slit right eye. The feather darts on the wall, her right arm's scaly and kitchen knives scattered around the floor. "She tried to fight them off." Jake added as he walked around. "Fuck man."

Jake gritted his teeth when he saw toys and child books stacked on one of the shelves across the room and picture frames of Mena with her two..."She had two sons." Timothee croaked. His vision began to blur as tears fell down to his cheeks. Jake looked around. The surrogate lied down at the end of the stairs. Two shots to the head. One soldier was also shot inside the laundry room. The female Doctor who assisted Mena was upstairs in a room. Shot in her sleep. When Jake moved the curtain, he saw Mena's car burned to ashes.

Timothee closed Mena's eyes as he brought her forehead to his. Cradling her lifeless body. Jake went back downstairs and went to the kitchen. There on the very wall near the fridge says:


Jake sighed as he tried to contain his outburst. "We'll take her to Dr. Park." Timothee said.


" He's late." Lilith squatted on the floor while the rain is falling down. "Where is he?" Then her phone buzzed. "Oh!"

Let's reschedule. Can't go.

Lilith raised a brow. "Excuse me, what?" Then she looked at the entrance of the Museum. "But I'm already here!"

Meanwhile, Timothee and Jake brought Mena to Dr. Park's clinic. Jake placed the body bag on top of the metal table and when Dr. Park opened it, his hands laid flat on Mena's stomach as he stared at the wound around her neck. "Oh Mena..." Jake sat in front of him and they talked about what happened.

Lilith Parker:
What do you mean?


Lilith paced around, nibbling on her nails. "I'm hungry." She heard her stomach grumble. "I'll just come here with Y/n next time." She hid her phone inside her bag and walked to the nearest bus stop. "Busy? Yeah right. All the damn time."

Timothee grew impatient and suddenly bursted out of the clinic and into his car. Way to go. He punched Lilith's number and dialed. Lilith's phone vibrated but she just got in a bus. "Where to ma'am?"

"West End Ville. Please."

Timothee checked each bus stop he passes by and there's no sign of a redhead taller than him. He dialed again. Pick up, come on. He stopped the car before a red light. His phone in his hand. Busy? Busy?! At a time like this?! Lilith groaned as she laid her head against the glass. Timothee looked up and saw her, alas. He smiled a little when he noticed her talking to herself.


Citizen: Move it! Dumbass!

Timothee sighed as he looked once last time before he parts ways with the bus.


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