Chapter 20: Starry Night

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Banned Footage: Starry Night
Raccoon City {Years Ago}

Nathan Scarrow- 19
Venice Veronica- 22
Dorothy Sands- 24

One rainy night...

Nathan, for God knows how many times, shifted in the driver's seat, attempting to get a comfortable position after hours of staying inside the car while his Co-RPD cop is snoring on the passenger's seat. "This jerk..." He mentally rolled his eyes as he shifted his attention to the radio of the car. Though it only repeated the same issue lately.

First, an orphanage. Second, Umbrella Corporation.

He lowered the volume and looked around the area. The street's still lively but there's not much people walking or eating outside. There's only a few passing by with black umbrellas over their heads. Their police car is parked beside a sidewalk and to its right is a bookstore. To the left which is on the other side of the street is a cafe. It's barely lit but he heard it's popular amongst the youths.

Nathan impatiently tapped his fingers on his lap as he contemplated whether to eat or nah. "My duty's off anyway and it's already quarter to 8." Nathan looked down when he heard his stomach rumble. "Crap. . ." He glanced at the male beside him and nodded before grabbing his wallet. "Stay asleep." He chuckled slightly before opening his door and leaving the car. Locking it afterwards.

He used his hands to cover his head as he crossed the street. The sound of the pitter patter of the rain and his shoes splashing against the puddles made such a wonderful melody.

Mom's gonna kill me once she finds out I forgot my umbrella.

Tingling! The hanging mini bell chimed as Nathan pushed the doors open. He automatically fell at ease when he inhaled the cafe's sweet aroma. The place didn't have that much costumers at the moment save for an old lady with her Pomeranian placed on top of the table. Nathan smiled at the lady before ordering.

"What would you have young man?" A stout woman in her 30s asked as she stood behind the counter. Nathan looked up at the menu. I don't have time for coffee. Ah!

"Beer, pint." The woman nodded and prepared his order. Nathan yawned as he made his way towards a table near the glass walls where you can see a muddy trail leading up to a hill. It's already dark so it's not easy to see what's up there. But it's rather... Eerie.

"Thanks." Nathan placed the money on the top and the woman left after placing her tray's contents onto his table. Tingling! Nathan didn't look at the person who entered as he took a sip of his beer. Letting out a refreshed 'ah' once the liquid hit his throat.

"Do you have my drink?" A female voice erupted from the counter beyond Nathan's eye view. "Ah yes, waut a sec." The woman turned to her side and leaned against the counter. Donned in a black long sleeved sweatshirt, mom jeans, boots and a shawl wrapped around her neck to her head. Its hood reaching down to the bridge of her nose to conceal her eyes. She had a few loose hair strands poking on either sides of the fabric.

Nathan poured more beer into his cup as he examined the person up and down. Who could that be? "Here you go young lady."

"Thank you." Then the woman strode out of the cafe and went for the direction of the hill. Nathan followed her with his gaze until she disappeared into the dark. She doesn't even have an umbrella!

"Uh, excuse me, do you know that girl?" Nathan asked the barista who served them both earlier. The woman sighed. "There's a lot of them. Going down here to buy food and then go back up to the orphanage."

Nathan mouthed an oh before downing his drink and making his way back to the car. Weird.


Two nights later, Nathan parked at the same spot and saw the same girl enter the cafe. Orphanage, orphanage, does that have something to do with the news? If it does then it might be useful for the investigation dad has going on at the moment.

Nathan shook his head and left the car. Luckily it's not raining. A good chance of spotting her. He smirked as he hid in an alley and waited for her to leave the cafe. She still has this shawl on her head. I gotta thank dad for giving me night duties. Then he saw the girl exit and turn for the dirt road. Nathan crossed the street and took quite steps. Despite the darkness, he never failed to find places to crouch behind whenever he feels like the lady's gonna make a turn to see if someone's following her.

One more block before the hill, Nathan stood in the middle, looking around. There was no lamp post so he reached for his flashlight and was about to turn it on when someone passed by him, hitting him in the process, making him drop the item. "What the-" He groaned as he checked all of his pockets only to find out he left his phone inside the locker rooms in the RPD Station. "Yikes." He couldn't find the flashlight so he resorted to taking out his gun.

Ting! Nathan's eyes widened when he saw a small fire lit in front of him. It came from a lighter. "You look like a fucking nun!" Said Nathan as he examined the person holding it. "Why are you following me?" It was the woman he's stalking.

Nathan didn't get to answer. He was busy staring.
Her lips were not too thin but not too plump. Her brows were arched as if it's embodying dominance. Her cheekbones and nose are very prominent. Nathan gulped when she flipped the lighter off because the fire's putting out and then flicked it again.

"Well, I-uh-I was wondering if you know anything about the or-"

The fire was put out. " Hey wait! I'm not done yet-" The clouds faded away and thr moon illuminated the space around them. Nathan gasped when he stepped on something hard. " Thank God." He picked up his flashlight. " So. . ." For the first time he saw the large manor up the hill and there's makeshift steps made from rocks and dirt. There at the sixth step is the girl. Nathan took one step forward but the girl already vanished from his sights.


The next morning, Nathan woke up to the sound of wood being chopped. "GET YOUR ASS UP NATHAN!" He heard his dad yell from the backyard. Jesus.

"Oy, are you deaf or what?" Nathan squinted his eyes and saw his younger sister leaning against his door with a cig between her middle and index finger. "Don't you think it's too early for that Nat?" He said as he sat up and placed his legs on the floor.

Natalie took a puff and exhaled through her nose. " Oh please, I'm not the only one who smokes at 7 AM in the morning in this household!"

" You're too young for that." Nathan retorted.

Natalie rolled her eyes. " I'm 18 asshole. Anyways, go get dressed. You stink!"


Nathan arrived at the station and saw his dad at the S.T.A.R.S office. He's an elite operative that time. It practically runs in the blood. Nathan is a rookie cop while his sister is a college student. When he entered, he saw them having a meeting.


What is a Banned Footage? This is a term in the series which refers to a flashback in order for readers to understand a certain backstory. It can be years ago or recent. It can also be memories thought by a certain character throughout the story.

Stay tuned! <333

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