yaku holds up a back of olvies over his head "here!"


y/n turns to kuroo who isn't as enthusiastic. he's right next to the dairy section but he barely even notices.

it's only when y/n gives him a gaze is when he takes a back of mozzarella.

"here" kuroo moves his head, mocking yaku.

"mmm" she nods her head, acknowledging him as she walks away from him.

now, he just looks like a idiot with a back of cheese on his head standing alone.

"damn this sucks" he says as he aims the cheese packet at the basket y/n was holding, it shooting in perfectly and he wasn't even looking.

once again, the duo had left kuroo behind as they were in their own world doing grocery shopping like an old married couple.

well, it was either that or kuroo just was not up for a hello kitty pizza.

actually when he thought about it, he had no idea why he was even here.

but that didn't stop him from having a little fun! and by that he meant being bored out of his living mind.

"so what do we need next, missy?" he catches up to y/n.

"err" she placed a hand on her chin "could you just get anything that we could top our pizza with?"

"sure" he wandered off "yeah, totally"

he looked around and spotted some chips at the bottom of the aisle. he bent down to pick them, but scraped his shoe on the floor. the boy lost his balance and fell forward. but to catch his stance he placed both hands on the ground.

y/n was looking around aimlessly till her eyes fell on... the boy who was now on all fours.

"kuroo! what are you doing?" she exclaimed.

"push-ups" he replied.

"push-ups?" the girl repeated.


before she could even ask, kuroo started exercising to mask his embarrassment of tripping over himself. he counted every time he did one, finally stopping at 10.

"okay i'm tired" he panted "i'll just lay here"


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yaku.niku @kuroohatesyou WHY ARE


kuroohatesyou : TAKE IT DOWN

kuroohatesyou : NOW

y/nlovesyou : HAGAGAGA
     kuroohatesyou : ur a demon
     y/nlovesyou : baby i know

inuoka.sõ : captain is not practicing !!!
kuroohatesyou : i'm gonna make you
   run laps
inuoka.sõ : we play ice hockey ??
         y/nlovesyou @kuroohatesyou captain
         kuroohatesyou : shut up y/n


if you're wondering why this book is so weird, it's just something to get me out of my writing slump so i can produce better books for you guys! this is just how i function, so i hope you enjoy this :)

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