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-2 weeks later-
Lucy POV:
It's been 2 weeks since I started the rehabilitation with Jack, he's made progress as he's walking a lot better now. He's worked so hard, he's non stopped thanked Mason and I for letting him stay and helping him.
Today, we've got a morning physio session then I'm heading to Stamford bridge to watch Chelsea Vs Liverpool, Mason has given Jack a ticket too, as he's not been out much since his injury.
At midday, I knock on his bedroom door, "you ready Jack?" He says "give me a minute" I can tell by his voice somethings up. "Jack are you dressed?" He shouts back yes so I open the door. He looks shocked "I asked that you were covered. Now tell me what's wrong?" He shrugs and says "I don't know, I just dread to think what people will say. I mean I haven't been near city for 2 weeks." I smile "ignore them, you're recovering, you put out a post that you're recovering from an injury, which will explain your absence and honestly City can't say shit as they told you not to attend." He smiles "okay, thanks Luce" I laugh "it's what I do"
We arrive at Stamford bridge, luckily we use the player entrance and avoid the cameras. As we're in the stands I see Mason looks angry, Jack notices too as he says "Woah, Mase looks in angry mode" I nod "yeah, I noticed that too, I'm not sure what's going on, but he'll usually end up carded when he's this angry." I then gain eye contact with Ben, I nod and look towards Mase, Ben shrugs but hints towards the boss. I nod and then smile. I see Ben tap Mason and point up to us, he smiles but I can see it's fake, I mouth I love you to him and he heads back inside. "I'm worried about him, he's been on and off like this coming back from training for the last 2 weeks, has he said anything to you?" Jack shakes his head "no, every time I ask about it, he just says long day" I nod and roll my eyes "he says the same to me that's it's been a long day and he doesn't want to talk about it" we carry on chatting and I decide if it carries on I'll speak to his dad as I know that's one person Mason will talk to and listen. I look on my phone at the line up and say "this might be part the reason" I show Jack and he says "he's on the bench again?" I nod "I don't know why, do you think it's a punishment for whatever happens at training?" Jack shrugs and tells me it could be but it could also be other reasons.
The match finishes 1-1, Mason played 20 minutes, we head to the tunnel to meet him, he comes over and I hug him tight, Jack pats his shoulder and says he's gonna find Ben and Hendo. I smile as he gives us the time alone. "Baby, what happened today?" He shrugs, I then say "is it to do with what's been happening at training?" He just looks at the floor, "babe talk to me, something is wrong, you've been like this for 2 weeks" he sighs "I don't want to talk about it." He heads to the changing rooms, I then hear "hello stranger, long time no see" I smiles as I see Hendo, I hug him and we have a catch up, then Trent joins, so does Ben and Jack. Soon Hendo and Trent say goodbye and head back to their team. "Ben I need you to be honest with me" he looks confused and says "always" I nod "what's been happening with Mason at training, for the last 2 weeks he's been like a different person, he won't open up to me and today he was angry and didn't start like usual" Ben looks at the floor "he's been arguing with boss a lot at training, I'm not sure what it's about but he's not been himself there either. I'm worried" I nod "okay, thanks you, I know what I've got to do" they both look at me confused "I'm going to call Dec first and if he doesn't know then I'm going to call his dad, but don't tell him" they agree not to and also say it's a good idea. Jack and I head to the car to wait for Mason, I decide to call Dec as his match was yesterday.
D-Hey Luce, you all good?
L-Kind of, has Mase spoke to you at all?
D-No he's been a miserable shit recently but hasn't said anything, he won't talk about it when I ask
L-That's what I thought, looks like I'm going to Tony.
D-Wow, must be bad then
L-Yeah it is, somethings been happening at training causing friction between him and the staff and he didn't start today, when I asked what's wrong, he walked off to the changing rooms.
D-Shit! Tony will be a good call, let me know when they're coming and I'll pop round. If you need me just call Luce
L-Will do Dec, thanks, love you
D- Love you too.

I decide I have enough time so I call Tony now.
Tony M💙
L-Hi Tony, it's Lucy.
T-Hiya love, everything okay? I'll put you on speaker, I'm here with Debbie.
L-Hi Debbie, you okay?
D-Yes love course. What can we do for you?
L-It's Mason... (I explain the whole situation.)
T-Right, we'll come to you and I'll speak to him and find out what it is? Tomorrow good?
L-Perfect, I'm sorry to call you but I don't know what else to do, I don't want him to jeopardise anything.
D-You did the right thing love, he seemed off when I called him the other day but I presumed he was tired.
L-He's coming now, I'll see you both tomorrow.

I hang up just as he opens the door, I smile "Hey baby. You all good" he nods "let's get home" and that's all he says the whole journey home.

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