"Does Isa sleep?"

"To my knowledge," I responded as I poured her a glass of wine. "Did they wake you and help you get dressed today?"

"I was already awake and heard them up and cleaning," The lady hummed before taking a sip of wine. "So I asked them to help me before asking them to clean up what they could around the grounds until the others woke up and took over."

"And I watched them drag a tree branch out of the garden..."

"Your uncle must've been pretty upset about last night."

I smirked at her reflection — that showed her smirking before she took another sip of wine. "That was your plan all along, wasn't it?"

"No one threatens my daughter's happiness. Ancient god or not."

"...I see why my mother trusts you so much with her children," I laughed. "What shall I do today?"

"I was going to give you the day off, but seeing as the storm caused more damage than Isa initially expected, we will need all the help we can get."

"I understand — I'll help Hunter finish breakfast then switch shifts with Isa, let them eat and warm up inside before we finish cleaning up outside."

"That's why you're the head maid," Lady Dimitrescu chuckled before facing me. "About last night... I will let it slide — and I'll let you know something. As long as you can plan those... activities around when I'll be out of the castle, you can do them."

"Thank you, my-," I chuckled when she cleared her throat, lifting my gaze to lock eyes with her. "Thank you, mother, you won't regret this."

'I gotta admit,' A voice sighed in my head as I left lady Dimitrescu's office, startling me slightly. 'Hearing you call someone else 'mother' has wounded me — but since it was Alci, I'll let it slide.' I internally laughed with my mother, slowing my pace and glancing around before slipping into a spare room.

"Hi, mom," I smiled at the woman tending to the flowers in the window. "When'd you get here?"

"Not too long ago," She hummed before turning to face me. "I wanted to make sure the seal gets fixed properly."

"So Hekate's here too?"

"She's working with Miranda currently, but yes. She asked me to check on you kids — mostly Hunter..."

"Hunter's doing just fine — the ladies have been very sweet and accepting, as I knew they would. She doesn't need to worry about the ladies-."

"And what about the maids?"

"They're always dealt with right away, don't worry."

Persephone hummed before making her way over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead, allowing me to relax for a moment. I leaned into her as she hugged me, letting my eyes flutter shut. 'Always so calming to be around,' A yawn slipped out of me while her fingers traced circles on my back. '...Wait a minute — if that was the only reason she was here, then why hasn't she left yet?'

'You noticed,' My mother giggled in the back of my mind. 'It's the only way to keep everyone in the castle safe until the seal is restored. This gives me the chance to speak with Cassandra and prepare her for your aunt while you clean up!' I smiled at her words before pulling away from the hug and nodding, guiding her out of the room and to the kitchen.

"Cass won't be up for a few more minutes, so while you wait, I guess you can chat with me and Hunter while we cook!"

"Add me to that," Isa breathed as they shrugged off their coat. "The wind chill is even bothering me — there's no way humans can go out in that."

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now