"Keep your hands to yourself."

"But I'm curious of your hair, doesn't the pink color make it-"

"Stop fucking touching my hair you snob!" Jimin yelled, slapping Taehyungs hand away and glaring at the taller who held back a small grin how easily Jimin was to annoy.

"Jungkook how long is this gonna take?" Jimin asked the other who kept staring at his phone to text someone, just a few more seconds and the male put his phone away, looking at Taehyung and Jimin.

"Let's go."

So there they were, looking around for Yoongi and looking for any signs of him.
Asking strangers, looking at security footage and eventually getting some clues that actually brought them closer to the smaller.

"he must be here somewhere.." Jimin mumbled as he looked around the street, the last sign where Yoongi had been.

A few people walking around, some cars passing by, a pizzeria where a guy screamed at one of the workers and some dumpsters standing around.
Nothing too unusual.

All of them looked around, eyes moving everywhere, when Taehyung decided to look behind a dumpster to widen his eyes as he saw the small alleyway.

The rich kid hated those parts of town.
Dirty, dark and so damn ugly.

So to his displeasure he carefully took a few steps inside only to nearly fall over some boxes that seemed to be thrown in there.

Mumbling some curse words and taking out his phone to use the flashlight Taehyung now walked around, only to nearly scream in disgust when a rat passed his way.

That disgusted look changed however when his flashlight suddenly made impact with an human body.

Black hair that looked rather rough, some kinda dirty clothes and not even a single movement of his body, just sitting against the wall.

Was this just a homeless or was this Yoongi?
Taehyung couldn't really tell by the looks of it.

".. Yoongi..? Is that you?"

No reaction however. By now Taehyung started to get a bit uncomfortable, especially since he kept having that rat that passed him in his mind.

Slowly leaning down and trying to get a proper look of his face, carefully lifting his face and widening his eyes when it in fact was Yoongis face.

Eyes closed, his pale skin still looking like porcelain to Taehyung like the first day he saw the smaller yet some dirt ruined that image a bit for him.

Taehyung stood there for a second, as if to decide and pick Yoongi up or not.
As much as he wanted he simply was no friend of getting close to something dirty or unhygienic.

Simply the way he grew up, a rich clean household.

Before he could even decide properly however there a light now shone at both of them.

"Found something?"

"Ah.. Yes I found him." Taehyung simply said, pointing at Yoongi on the ground whilst Jimin now widened his eyes and rushed towards them, immediately checking on the smaller.

"Yoongi! Yoongi! Hey Yoongi! Why isn't he waking up!?"

"Relax Jimin, he porbably just passed out or something."

"Did you even check his pulse you shithead!? You should've checked on him the second you saw him you fucking jackass!" Jimin yelled, what now also caught the attention of the bunny boy, who joined them.

breath Taegi/Yoonmin/YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now