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Yoongi was completely alone in the modern looking apartment that seemed rather empty.

A couch, a bed, generally the basics someone would need to live.
No decoration.

It looked completely soulless.
No personality whatsoever.

He'd really stay there for a while?
He wasn't sure if he felt lucky having so much space for himself or completely lost.

The cat boy really did carefully investigate everything before eventually deciding to take a shower, grab some of Jungkooks clothes to put them on and finally get some good sleep.

How much time had it been?
Two days? Three days?
He hadn't heard or seen Jungkook since he left.
He honestly was unsure what to do.
He just laid on the couch since that morning, staring at the ceiling while the TV was playing.

A sudden sound coming from the door making him immediately jump up to prepare himself for any potentional intruder, only to then make eye contact with the doe eyes that always stared at him so softly.

A bag in Jungkooks hand grabbing Yoongis attention.
He had gotten food delivered since he arrived there, Jungkook bringing him his lunch really felt special now.

"This is chicken and some vegetables and some other stuff."

Not even a hello, just Jungkook saying that and then staring again at his phone to check some things while walking towards another room.

Yoongi stared at the bags for a while, honestly being rather interested in Jungkook now. He hadn't seen a human soul in two or three days.

He followed the other, eventually walking inside a office and watching how the taller checked some things before texting someone.


"hm?"Only a small hum being heard.

"Do you wanna join me eating lunch?"

Now Jungkook looked at him, as if a bit irritated, only to sigh as he stared at Yoongis cat eyes.

".. I do have to go soon again though."He mumbled and then followed Yoongi back inside the living room.

The smaller table in the living room now being used as a table for them.

Sitting down on the ground, Jungkook watching how Yoongi quickly prepared everything and then quietly started to eat.

A bowl with rice, some tofu soup, vegetables and chicken.

Eyes on the small table, Jungkook not looking up and instead focusing on the food.

He knew himself just too well.
He knew that he'd be doomed if he'd keep looking at Yoongi.
The smaller was messing with his feelings and his brain.

A small act of service.
Just a little bit affection and love and Jungkook knew that it was over.
He was a ticking time bomb.

Taking another bite of the chicken only to then stare at the small bowl of rice.

Yoongi putting some meat on Jungkooks rice, not even saying a word and just casually continuing to eat while Jungkook now stared at the bowl completely thrown back.

Such a simple gesture, that was usually between family members, friends or lovers.

A warm feeling, a small tingle in Jungkooks fingers and Yoongis fate was set.

Jungkook wanted to feel more of it.
He wanted to get more, experience more, all through Yoongi.

"Yoongi.. Are we friends?"

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