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Another black shirt, some simple pants that just barely fit him with a belt and Yoongi sat on the ground in front of the door since good half and hour.

He had no clue when Jungkook would arrive.
An hour he sat there, completely lost in his thoughts, eyes eventually closing.

The door opening, something he didn't even realize.

Jungkook on the other hand could only stare down towards Yoongi, his heart skipping a small beat when he realized that Yoongi had actually waited specifically for him right there.

He bit in his inner cheek to hold back a small smile.
How much he enjoyed it whenever someone was obedient and just listened to him.
It was just making his job always so much easier when everything went according to plan.

This small boy right in front of him, was another case however.
Yoongi wasn't just a simple job anymore.

Min Yoongi.
Someone he first didn't care about a lot and only saw as one of many jobs.
This small guy was making him feel so much at once. Making him feel things he had completely forgotten about, things he couldn't describe and things he wanted to just keep feeling.

Jungkook knew it.
He was sure of it.
There was no doubt about it.

He needed Min Yoongi to feel.

He needed the smaller to feel normal.

He needed the cat boy to live.

Now he only had to be sure that the smaller would feel the same need.
He wanted Yoongi to be dependent on him and only him.

Eyes slowly opening, Yoongi looking up to see Jungkook staring at him and quickly standing up.

"Welcome back.. you wanted to go out with me right? Where exactly?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook humming and turning around to start walking out of the apartment, Yoongi quickly following.

"wherever you wanna go."

Not very specific.
Yoongi could really say anything now.

"Eh.. Do you wanna eat something? Or.. Buy something or what is your intention?" Yoongi asked trying to get some more information only for Jungkook to shrug his shoulders once again as he pushed the button of the elevator.

"Whatever is fine"

"Oh.. Okay then.. Let us go.. To the mall? Or would that be too dangerous if-"

"No. The mall is great." Jungkook cut the male off, Yoongi nodding his head and quietly standing there while Jungkook looked back at his phone typing something down before getting out of the elevator and walking outside to his car.

Both getting in, the car ride being quiet once again.

The mall wasn't too full luckily.
People walking by one by one as the two stood near the entrance and Yoongi now was unsure where exactly to go since Jungkook didn't say anything and just kept staring at him.

Perhaps Yoongi should just decide for both of them since Jungkook seemed to be uninterested in everything.

"Let's.. Go there." Yoongi said, starting to walk only for Jungkook to stop him and hold him back on his arm.

"Hold onto me."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, not sure what Jungkook was speaking about.
Holding hands? Holding his arm?
Why even?

"Hold onto this." Jungkook said, holding the fabric of his leather jacket towards Yoongi, the smaller carefully holding onto it and looking a bit irritated as Jungkook started to walk towards the store, Yoongi simply following and still holding onto the fabric.

breath Taegi/Yoonmin/YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now