Chapter Eighteen. Fear Of Rejection

Start from the beginning

Dear Princess,

It's been more than a week since I last wrote and a lot of stuff happened since.

Appa was supposed to come at the beginning of the month, and he hadn't yet. There's no need to be relieved, though. He'll turn up any day now...

So, it was Kookie's birthday on 1st and there was a party at his mansion in the evening. It looked like the whole school had been invited, but what I didn't know was that some ex-students of Bangtan High were invited too.

Which would be the reason why Chanyeol and Baekhyun were there... Obviously Jungkook and the others didn't know what'd happened between us... I never told them because I didn't want them to hate me.

Anyways, I tried to approach them and try to apologize for what I did. I knew a simple 'sorry' couldn't fix what I did but that was the least I could do.

But even though Baekhyun gave me a chance to speak, Chanyeol wouldn't even look at me. Which I totally deserved. Then why did it hurt so much when they didn't accept my apology?

I don't know why but it made me feel like a shitty person... which I am. And I ended up drinking too much at the party just to forget them... and my disappointment.

That was a stupid thing to do. I ended up blabbing to Namjoon about how much I liked him and even talking about Chanyeol. And the next thing I knew, I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache in Namjoon's bedroom.

He found out I had some connection with Chanyeol so I told him everything. Every single unflattering truth. He deserved to know them after looking out for me so much.

I don't understand why he doesn't feel disgusted with me... he even took care of me in my drunken state. Maybe it was out of pity. Maybe he doesn't actually like me. Maybe it's because he knows my parents are divorced, my dad beating me up and me living on my own without anyone there to look out for me. I guess he just pities me.

After all, who'd even like a selfish bastard like me? I think even RM wouldn’t like me any longer if they knew what I really am in reality.

I guess that's enough of depressing stuff. I'll just enjoy being liked while it lasts. And I'm ready for it to be gone one day, and my life to return to it's usual shitty self. If it isn't already like shit.

Love, Seokjin

P. S. Yoongi, Hoba, Minie, Tae and JK found out about Chanyeol... they overheard me telling Joon about him. I was so scared they'd hate me, but they were so supportive! I love my brats sooo much!

°°°♡ °°°

Ten years ago...

Creepy pervert 😠
Hyungggg I'm outside!
U ready???

Handsomeness 👑
Gimme 5 mins!

Creepy pervert 😠
Okay 😘😘😘😘

Handsomeness 👑

Creepy pervert 😠
Okie 😘😘😚😚😚😙😙

Handsomeness 👑
Fineeee I give up

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