Jungkook didn't say a word, instead just staring at Yoongi and grabbing his wrist to pull the smaller with him.

"No! Let me go! Jungkook! Please just leave me alone! Leave! Just leave!"

A sudden small cold glare from Jungkook who stopped in his tracks as if telling him to shut up.

The smaller just looked a bit lost at the taller, not too sure what to do and keeping quiet since Jungkooks glare did kind of intimidate him.

Being pulled along once again, Yoongi just could kind of give up for now.

This all was so weird, so random and so exhausting.

So what came next only confused Yoongi more.
He wasn't too sure what exactly to expect Jungkook to do anyways.

The taller was odd, he wasn't bad but also not really nice, especially after he lied to Yoongi.

A awkward silence.
Jungkook on his opposite sipping on his ice tea and staring at Yoongi who sat on the chair a bit irritated what even was happening at this point.

Jungkook just pulled him along to some restaurant and now the two of them sat inside, Jungkook still not having said one single word to him.

".. Is this.. One of your tries to somehow get me again in such an dangerous situation and end up as the hero? Am I somehow missing something?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook not saying anything for another few seconds and instead leaning back letting out a small sigh.

"Yoongi.. Just accept my deal. Stay with me."

Yoongi crossed his arms, leaning back as well and this time not saying anything.

No answer was also an answer for Jungkook.
If Yoongi didn't answer he'd simply decide his answer for him, and who would've guessed, of course he told himself that Yoongi agreed to his deal.

"Be home at 6pm, if you're out after that time I'll get you from wherever you are."

Pushing a small card towards yoongi over the table, the smaller looking at it a little confused.

"That's the key card. Don't lose it. You're free to go out under specific conditions, including-"

"I never agreed to your deal! Jungkook I won't stay with you. I just want you to leave me alone. I don't want all this, I want my life back before this! I just wanna go to my home, work and take care of my father, nothing else! Do you understand that?"

Yoongis eyes staring at Jungkook who now leant a tiny bit closer towards the smaller.

Was it the feeling of dissapointment? Was he upset?
Whatever Jungkook felt in that moment he didn't really like it.

He wasn't sure of his emotions, but he knew damn well that he wanted Yoongi to stay with him. He needed the smaller to stay with him even if he knew that Yoongi didn't seem to want it.

"..I won't repeat myself. Be home at 6pm.. I'll.. Let you see your father if you do as told." Jungkook then said, tapping his glass and looking for a second away from Yoongi.

Not saying a word and completely in his thoughts Yoongi now stared at the table in front of him.

Was that worth it? Staying with Jungkook and making sure his father was fine? It had to be worth it, right?

".. Why.. Why exactly do you want me to stay with you? You must have a reason to why you're doing this.. Did I-"

"Look at that! I told you he was here!" suddenly voice appeared, making both Jungkooks and Yoongis head turn.

breath Taegi/Yoonmin/YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now