"What's happening here?" I heard the head chef's voice as he walked toward us from the door he walked through a few minutes ago. His grey eyes fell on my angry face, then they averted to the flight attendant. Her face changed colours like a chameleon. She recognized him, and a big smile formed on her face. 

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sir, but I'm trying very politely to make this woman go back to her seat, but she is creating a scene and trying forcefully to enter the business class," she said way too politely with a smile on her face. The extra sweetness in her voice could give you diabetes. 

"And why would my wife create a scene to forcefully enter the business class when she is capable of buying the whole business class?" the head chef said fumingly, making her eyes wide at the realisation. He pulled me towards him, securing his hand over my waist with a firm hold. My eyes widen too when I hear his furious voice. His grey eyes were fixed on her. Her face went pale when he said that. 

"Wife," she stuttered as her eyes moved from me to him to the hand that was holding me tightly. 

"Yes, my wife. You wanted to see tickets here are the tickets" the head chef said, putting forward the tickets but she didn't take them.  Now all the passengers were looking at her and mumbling to each other. 

"There's no need to show them. You can take your wife inside" she said in embarrassment, refusing to see the tickets. 

"Why don't you want to see them anymore? Weren't you fussing over it a few minutes ago?" I questioned her with furrowed brows and looked at her with narrowed eyes. Her tone changed so much after seeing the head chef. She swallowed hard after hearing my question. 

"I'm very sorry, sir, ma'am, for her behaviour," another flight attendant said, running towards us when she saw all the fuss. 

"Apologies to them," she nudged the rude flight attendant. 

"Sir, ma'am, I'm very sorry for my behaviour," she said with lowered eyes. The head chef was about to lash out at her again, but I stopped him with my hand on his chest. 

"Next time, don't judge people because of their appearance. Before making your assumption, try to at least understand what the other person is saying," I said in a curt tone. 

"That flight attendant is so rude. I won't travel with this airline again," I heard someone saying. 

''Me too, she was giving us looks when we walked in" I heard mumbles and whispers coming from all the people who noticed the incident. 

"I will be careful next time. I'm sorry for my behaviour," she apologised again, her eyes still lower in embracement. 

"I want you to take action against her immediately. It won't be good for your airline's image if the media gets to hear from me how your employee treated my wife," the head chef threatened, and I saw them gulping down nervously. 

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