Chapter 29

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Isabella's POV

Being in love is the best thing that can happen to a person. At least to me. I just always feel good, like as long as I have Sophia, nothing will ever go wrong.

I just finished my basketball game and Sophia is somewhere in the bleachers. I'm really nervous because tomorrow morning we're leaving to go to her parent's house. She tried telling me that we really didn't need to go but I want to get it over with.

I love Sophia and she loves me but I also know that her parents love her as well. I really can't see Sophia and I ever breaking up, I just wouldn't let it happen without a fight. It's this reason that I know I need to meet her family. It needs to happen and they want to meet me so we're going to stay the night tomorrow and come back Sunday.

I make my way to my car and head back towards my house. Sophia and I made the decision that we need to stop talking to each other so much at my games and in general in case anyone gets suspicious, so as much as I would like to have talked after my game, I know it's the right thing to do.

When I get home, I immediately go upstairs and shower. After I do my night routine I go downstairs and make a turkey sandwich for dinner. When I'm back in my room, I pack for the weekend and got to sleep.

When I wake up the following morning, I brush my teeth and put a pair of jeans on with a sweatshirt. I do light make up and put my stuff in the car and drive to Sophia's apartment. I text her that I'm here and see her walk down with her stuff. I smile, getting out of my car. When she sees me she looks around for people, drops her bags and hugs me. "Hi, babe." She says kissing my cheek. I give her a quick kiss on the lips and we put our stuff in her car.

Sophia let's me connect my phone to her car to play music as we go get breakfast. That's became a very established thing in our relationship. I'm the music player, she doesn't argue with me on that. We stop and get egg and cheese biscuits from McDonalds to eat on the way.

Being with Sophia has helped me realize that there's more to life then just watching your weight and what you eat. I shouldn't have to stop myself every time I have the urge to have a piece of candy. It's not the end of the world. I can balance it out with exercising and move on.

The drive is only two hours so it doesn't take long before we're at her parent's house. "I'm scared." I say as we pull into her parent's drive way.

Sophia puts the car in park and turns towards me. "Honey, once they get to know you like I have, they'll love you okay? If anything happens, Illl drive us home immediately, it's no big deal." I nod and she gives me a sympathetic smile. "Okay, do you remember who you—"

I cut her off, "I'm a college student and we met when I was with my brother and you were walking your dog." We decided to not change that much of our relationship. We just don't want them to know I'm her student.

She nods and leans into kiss me. "We got this, Iz." She whispers against my lips then opens her door. I do the same and we get our bags and walk to the front door.

The house is beautiful. It's not quite big as a mansion would be but it's pretty big. The door opens and I see an older, spitting image of my girlfriend. This must be her mother.

The woman completely ignores Sophia first and looks me up and down. I knew I should have worn more formal clothes.

She reaches her arms out to hug me. At least it's not a handshake. "I'm Sophia's mom, Susan. It's good to meet you, Isabella."

"I'm happy to be here." I say as she pulls away to hug her daughter.

"I'm glad you can make it sweetheart." She says directing her attention towards Sophia. Susan leads us into the house and gives me a quick tour. Lots of semi fancy rooms. If a room has just only a piano in it, I call that fancy.

"Honey, Sophia is home." Susan says as she peeks in a office. I stay tucked to Sophia. This is really intimidating, all of it. The house is gorgeous and I can tell that they must make a lot of money.

I feel Sophia's hand brush against mine and her fingers touch mine. I turn to look at her but she's staring ahead to the office.

A tall man walks out with a suit on. He has barely little to any hair that's now grey and a few wrinkles on his face.

"Hi dad." Sophia says hugging him.

"It's about time you came and visit." He says to her. His eyes find me and he slowly lets go. "This is the woman you're in love with?" He asks.

I can't tell if he means that in a insult way or a compliment kind of way. Now that I look at my outfit, he definitely means it in an insult kind of way. If I had known Sophia's parents lived in a place like this, I would have looked completely different.

"Yes, dad...very in love with actually." She says wrapping her arm around my waist. I smile at her. She's the only thing that seems familiar or comfortable at the moment.

"Well, your mother and I would love to talk about it over dinner. Go upstairs and get ready, it should be ready in about two hours." He says giving me a thin lipped smile and a pat to Sophia's shoulder.

Susan followed after him and Sophia leads us upstairs. "That wasn't too bad." Sophia says once we get to her room.

"I wish I had known this is the kind of place we were coming too. Sophia, I showed up in jeans and a sweatshirt." I say cringing, looking down at my style choice.

"Yes but you are still the most beautifulest girl." She says stepping towards me with a smile.

I roll my eyes trying to act mad but I can feel my stupid smile grow as she leans into kiss me.

"I still have drawers filled with clothes, specifically for impressing fancy people. Look through them and pick something out, I'll tell you if they'll accept it." She says already walling over to a dresser.

This is going to be a long weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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