Chapter 6

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Isabella's POV

Ms. Miller walks up the stairs, me following closely behind and unlocks her door. "Hi buddy!" I say when Rocky starts jumping on me, forgetting about why I was told to come in here.

"Looks like someone likes you." Ms. Miller says getting a treat off her kitchen island.

I smile and sit on the floor petting and cuddling with him. "Get up." I hear above me. Ms. Miller is holding her hand out which I take and she pulls me up.

"Maybe I can just make dinner really quick? That way you can cool off and be ready to go?" She asks walking back to the kitchen. "I'm sure you can't wait to get out of your teacher's house." She lightly laughs but it seems forceful.

"I actually quite like it better here. My house is extreme. You see I live with John, aka my dad, his wife, one of her daughters and kid, and lastly my brother. That's two kids running around constantly and it can be a lot sometimes. Plus John and Lucy are always arguing about something." I finish sitting down at the kitchen island.

"I have to say it is quite peaceful here isn't it? Although, I do know what it's like to have a loud family growing up." I gave her a confused look so she continues, "I have two brothers. They live in another state but we meet up occasionally and every holiday, we have them at my parents, which live about an hour away. Anyways, what do you want to eat?" She asks standing in the other side of the island tapping her fingers.

"I'm not picky but can you just make sure it's healthy? These abs don't make themselves." I gesture pulling up my shirt. My abs aren't a whole six pack and I don't know if I even want them to be. They're very defined though and I'm happy with it. If I wanted to have a six pack I'd have it already.

Her eyes go directly towards my stomach and then she looks away blinking. "I know exactly what I want." She then clears her throat, "You can look around if you want while I make this, I don't mind." She smiles at me.

I nod and walk away walking upstairs seeing I've already seen down stairs. When you walk through her front door the living room is to the right and the kitchen is to the left and the staircase is in the middle of them that goes upstairs. When I get off the last stair there's a hallway that goes to the left and a hallway that goes to the right. I go right first and see there's two doors. I go to the nearest one and see a guest bedroom and go to the one next to it and walk in a bathroom. I go to the other side of the hallway and see only one door. That has to be her bedroom.

I go in and see her queen sized bed in the middle and a night stand on each side. To the right of her door is her closet which is a long one. The rest of her bedroom contains a desk, dresser, and other bedroom essentials. I didn't want to seem like a stalker so I decided to walk back downstairs. When I walk in the kitchen she's in front of the stove cooking. I kind of just want to hug her from behind...

I decide to scare her, "Boo!"

She jumps then sees it's just me. To my surprise she hits me with the spatula that's in her hand. "Ouch!" I pout.

"Kiss it." I simply say gesturing towards my shoulder not expecting anything.

She rolls her eyes then kisses my shoulder. "Eww! I forgot you have dirt on you." She says wiping her lips off. Good thing I took off my cleats by her door otherwise she would have been pissed.

Since she's in front of my view of the stove, I lean over her shoulder to see what's she's cooking. "Hey! Top secret." She says grabbing my body that was leaning over her and dragging me to sit back down at the island.

We made small talk throughout while she was cooking. She was making a taco salad. I had no idea she actually knew how to cook.

Once it's finished she makes our plates and sits down next to me at the island. "Wait! Does your dad know where you are?" She asks almost spitting out her food.

"If you're referring to if he knows I'm at my teacher's house, then no of course not. And if you're referring to whether or not he's worried or something, he's at work and Lucy knows I always hang with Carter and Alexis." I say taking a bite.

"This is really good." I say looking at her.

She smiles, "Speaking of Alexis... I heard your little argument."

"Oh god." I say hiding my face. "I didn't mean to go off on her I was just frustrated in the moment."

"I think maybe you should apologize? An apology can go a long way." She says bringing her plate to the sink. She opens the fridge and hands me a water.

I open my phone and text Alexis.


I'm sorry about today, I think I was taking my frustration out on you and I shouldn't have.

Hey don't worry, it's fine. I should've been paying more attention😕

I showed the messages to Ms. Miller and she gave me a thumbs up. I put my plate in her sink and start to wash it. She looks at me surprised. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I laugh.

"You don't have to do that, it's not your responsibility." She says trying to take it out of my hands.

"Ms. Miller please, the guest should always do what I'm doing. It's called manners." I say obvious taking back my plate.

"What did I say about about calling me that?" She says sternly.

I smirk. "By what ever do you mean Ms. Miller?" I say with a hint of seduction.

Her cheeks go red and she closes her eyes taking a deep breath. "Please Isabella call me Sophia."

"Okay Ms.—"

Her hand makes it's way to my mouth. She raises her eyebrow at me, "No."

"I should get going now, I have to get out of this uniform and wash it and myself, plus I have homework." I saw with a little bit of sadness.

She nods and walks me to the door. I get my cleats back on and Rocky jumps on me. I kiss him and was about to kiss her on the cheek for some reason but instantly pulled back.  "Thank you for dinner Ms. Miller, it was lovely."

As soon as she looks at me I realized what I did. "I swear it was an accident that time!" I say putting my hands up in defense.

She laughs, "Anytime Ms. Bianchi."

I gave her a pout. "Until you get my name right you're Ms. Bianchi from now on." She smirks.

As I was about to walk out she surprisingly turns me around and brings me in her arms. "If you ever want to talk about anything I'm here okay?" She says referring to what happened in the car.

I smile while nodding and she kisses my forehead. When I walk out this time I turn my head around, "Bye Ms. Miller." I say with a wink then shut the door. 

"Isabella!" I hear from the other side.

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