Chapter 8

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Isabella's POV

Ms. miller can see me struggling and instantly brings me into her arms rubbing my back and kissing the top of my head. "I think it's best if you come out preferably tonight, I'll send you money for a plane ticket. Bring a friend! You're gonna need someone there for you. We'll get through this baby okay? I love you." My grandma says ending the call.

"I can't lose someone again." I say crying harder into Ms. Miller's chest. "I'm not strong enough." I say clutching the back of her shirt.

"I'll go with you okay?" She says hugging me tighter.

"But isn't that—"

"I don't give a shit if it's inappropriate Isabella, my main priority is you okay?" She says.

I nod and look at her with tear stained cheeks. She takes my head in her hands and wipes my tears then kisses my cheek and sets me down at the kitchen island and finishes cooking.

Why does this have to happen to me? I just lost my mom but apparently god thinks one parent isn't enough. My eyes began to water again. What is wrong with me?

I didn't notice the food was done or that Ms. Miller was beside me. She stand in between my legs and lets me cry into her chest again. "I'm sorry." I say just like last time as her shirt has a wet spot.

"Please honey, don't worry about it okay? It's washable." She puts my plate in front of me. "Please eat?" She asks hopefully.

We both eat in silence yet it's a comfortable silence. "Are you still going to play at your game today?" She asks bringing our plates to the sink and rinses them before putting them in the dishwasher.

"Yeah, it'll distract me...if you're sure about coming with me then we can stop at your house after the game and you can pack then come back here so I can." I say standing up and she nods "Follow me." I mumble walking up the stairs to my room.

When we make it to my room Ms. Miller collapses on my bed. "God those stairs are killer." She says out of breath.

I laugh and get my uniform on. I tuck my shirt in my pants and buckle them up. "Can you help me?" I ask with my belt in one hand.

She gets up and spins me around putting the belt in the loops then buckles it in the front. "I could never do that for some reason." I mumble.

I slide my crocks on, I always keep my cleats in my bat bag because I don't like getting my car dirty and it's hard to drive so I change at the beginning and end of every game. My bat bag is in my car because there's no reason for me to bring it inside or anywhere.

"Come here." She says sitting on the edge of my bed. Without thinking I straddle her legs and lay my head between her neck and shoulder.

Her arms go around me immediately. This feels so nice right now, I don't know how she's okay with this but I'm not complaining whatsoever. "Your room is nicely decorated." She says. "You weren't lying about being a swiftie." She laughs looking around at the records I have hanging up. She has her own wall in my room.

"Never." I mumble in her neck getting more and more tired as her scratching my back puts me in more of a trance. All of a sudden she stops. "No keep going." I pout putting her arm back.

"As much as..." she stops herself. "As much as i wouldn't care to stay like this you have a game to get to." She says standing up but I keep my arms wrapped around her shoulders. She tickes me on my sides which makes me drop. "Meanie." I say walking out of my room with her following me.

We walk out of the house and into my car and I drive to the game. Can you guess what we played the whole time? Ms. Miller will be a swiftie by the end of the year, I swear on that.

I let Ms. Miller out in front of the school so we don't look suspicious and then drive to the field and park. When we're warming up I look over to the crowd and see Ms. Miller sitting on the bleachers looking right at me. I wink at her and almost miss a ball that was thrown to me. I quickly snap out of it and put my attention towards the game forgetting about everything that has happened in the past hour.

Coach told me I'll be playing shortstop since Alexis isn't here so we have a slow pitcher and and a semi okay catcher.

Throughout the whole game I have only got a little bit of action but I did end up hitting a double and having to dive to catch a ball. We won of course and I mention to the coaches I won't be here tomorrow due to my grandpa's sickness. They understand and surprisingly hug me.

I walk to my car and see Ms. Miller leaning against the passenger side. I quickly unlock it and we both get inside. I change the radio and put something random on this time and pull out. "Good job out there today." Sue says patting my leg and leaves it there for a few seconds.

I smile and look over at her. My smile fades though thinking about what's ahead of me. "I don't want to drag you into my problems." I say finally.

She frowns, "Stop saying that. I'm coming okay? I want to, I want to be there for you." She says taking my hand comforting me. Instead of pulling my hand back, I hold her hand in her lap all the way to her house.

Since Rocky isn't there there's no reason for me to come up so I sit in the car and wait for her. She doesn't take long and is back in no more then ten minutes. I start driving to my house next and can't help but miss the feeling of her hand in mine...

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