Chapter 12

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Isabella's POV

I wake up and roll over feeling for Sophia. I open my eyes and don't see her but then I smell food being cooked. I rub my eyes then get up and walk to the bathroom brushing my teeth. I go downstairs and walk around the corner and see Sophia and my grandma listening to Italian music while cooking. They're dancing around and I can't help but watch the way Sophia's hips move around. "Oh Bella, you're finally up!" I quickly snap my eyes away from where I shouldn't be looking and flash my grandma a quick smile.

I walk over to them and sit at the kitchen island. "Since when do you listen to Italian music? I asked the question directly to my grandma. "You used to say and I quote, "We live in America now, we listen to American music."

"It wasn't even my idea, your friend over here wanted too." She says looking at Sophia who was also shyly smiling at me.

The fact that she wanted to listen to Italian music because I'm Italian makes me happy. Briana never bothered to learn anything about my culture.

We eat breakfast then I decided I'm going to see my grandpa to say goodbye one more time before we leave. I didn't bring any nice, fancy clothing so I just put on sweatpants, a hoodie, and my Nike Air Force's. I put mascara and eyeliner on to bring out my hazel eyes and quickly straighten my hair then put a beanie on.

When I come downstairs my grandma and Sophia are in a deep conversation from what I can tell. "Oh honey! Sophia here tells me you guys aren't dating, that's not true is it?" She says. Sophia looks at me but her cheeks are a little flushed and she's struggling to make eye contact.

"Oh my god what did grandpa tell you?" I say groaning throwing my head back wanting to walk upstairs already.

"Baby, we're not blind, when did you get together?" She asks looking from me to Sophia waiting for an answer.

"Grandma we're really not together!" I say hoping she's not making Sophia uncomfortable. "Plus I'm not 18 yet, it'd be illegal." I say walking to the living room where they are and sit on the love seat.

"Oh honey, your grandpa and I have an eleven year age gap, age doesn't define love." She says then opens her mouth to Sophia.

"Okay you have a point but Sophia doesn't need to hear your one hour love story of how you and grandpa met and immediately fell in love as you bumped into each other on the dance floor as he caught you from falling on your face." I say talking how she would when she tells the story.

"Oh honey, I know she'll be here again one day, I'll tell her then." She says then looks at Sophia.

"I'm always ears for a good old love story." Sophia says smiling at my grandmother.

"We'll that's settled." Grandma says standing up and grabbing her keys. "I need to clean the house, you and Sophia can take my car. Just don't wreck it!" She says throwing me the keys.

Great. Now I have to sit with her alone after what just happened. Fuck my life.

I sigh and get up walking towards the door as Sophia gets up and does the same. We walk to the car and get in and I pull out and drive to the hospital. After five minutes of neither of us saying anything I put on Catie Turner's new song, "God Must Hate Me."

When the song finishes Sophia finally speaks up after we've been quiet the whole time. "Is that really how you feel about yourself?" She asks looking sad.

"W-what no? I mean come on everyone's insecure." I say stating the facts.

She looks at me for a couple seconds, "Well you're perfect to me and you should know that I wouldn't change a single thing about you Isabella." She says staring into my eyes as if she's trying to tell me something that only her eyes can. I blink away and look at the road so I don't wreck.

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