Chapter 27

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Isabella's POV

I wake up Friday very excited. Today Sophia and I are finally going camping. She has a tent that we're using with a blow up mattress we're bringing. We're also stopping at Walmart to buy food to bring with us.

I think we're only staying one night at the moment but Sophia said we'll stay one night and see how it goes then we'll decide if we want to stay another night.  

My bag is already packed and I don't want to have to come back here later so I bring it with me to school instead.

When I get to school I go to my locker and meet Carter in first block. "Boo!" I hear a scream as Carter jumps in front of me as soon as my foot steps in the room.

"Carter! What the fuck?" I yell hitting his bicep.

He keeps laughing as he jumps on his seat and I go over and do the same.

"I could have died." I mumbled glaring at him as I put my feet on the chair below my desk.

"What, no you couldn't have—"

"Due to the shock you gave me it is possible for someone to literally get scared to death. Literally die because of the shock." I say cutting him off.

He rolls his eyes smiling and soon we have to get in our seats because class begins.

We didn't do much besides practice our lines with each other. Carter and I partners obviously.

When the bell rings I basically run to the door. "Where are you going that's got you this excited?" He asks laughing as we walking down the hallway.

"W-what? I'm not excited for anything. I just...wish this day was over so I want to get through our classes as quickly as possible." I say being fake tired.

He gives me a weird look but shrugs thankfully.

That was close

"What are you doing later?" He asks putting his arm around me. Not in a romantic way. Just a friendly way.

Quick, think of a lie.

"John wants me to babysit Asher and Cooper so he and Linda can have a date night." I explain.

"But... why can't Mia babysit them then?" He asks raising his eyebrow. We're now standing by the door to walk in. Sophia is standing by the door as usual. "Mia has a date tonight also and before you ask, no one is allowed over." I say beginning to walk in.

"Good morning Miss." I say smiling at Sophia.

"Good morning Sophia...Carter." She says to me smiling then says the same to Carter behind me.

Half way through class I secretly get my phone out and text Sophia. You look so beautiful.

I watch her phone light up as she look up at the class then takes her phone in her hand. A smile glazes over her lips as she looks up and meets my gaze. She looks back down biting her lips.

I get a text from her saying, Why don't you show me later tonight? My mouth goes dry.

I've never had sex inside of a tent but I guess there is always time for firsts;) I text back watching her read it.

She looks up and smirks at me as she lays down her phone. "Ms. Bianchi, care to share what's so important on your phone instead of doing my work?" She says standing up crossing her arms. What the fuck.

"I'm sorry Ms. Miller, it won't happen again." I mumble out loud enough so she can hear me. I don't know why she had to say that to me in front of the whole class.

"It's okay, stay after class." She says putting reading glasses on and starts to read a chapter book.

I hear Carter snicker to himself beside me. "Shut up." I whisper hitting his leg with mine.

Soon the bell rings and I slowly pack my things and wait for the students to leave. When the last student gets out I cautiously close the door and walk up to Sophia's desk.

"Hi." I smile standing across from her as she's sat.

Sofia arches one of her eyebrow with a smile on her lips. "Can I eat lunch with you? Please." I try and give my best pout.

"You're going to have me for the whole weekend is that not enough for you?" She smirks getting out a turkey sandwich and a side dish with a variety of fruits.

"If I could, I would see you every minute of every hour." I declare proudly stealing a piece of water melon and taking a bite.

Sophia looks down at my lips taking her finger and reaching towards my face, she wipes the juice from my chin then puts it to her own lips. Now is not the time to get turned on Isabella. I scold myself.

"Honey, you would most definitely get tired or bored of me." She says cleaning a spot on her desk beside her. "Grab a chair and the worksheet from today. You can stay in here but if anyone were to stop in, we need to act strictly like a student and teacher, nothing more."

I grab a chair and paper and put it beside hers. I could never get bored of her. There's still so many things that I don't know about Sofia. She has spent a lifetime with herself and getting to know herself. I'm just now entering her life. I want to know the little things about her.

Which cereal does she think is the best? Does she even drink the milk after?

I want to spend the rest of my life figuring these types of things out and I plan to do just that.

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