Chapter 22

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Isabella's POV

After Sophia kind of said she loves me I just smiled. I didn't say anything back due to the fact that technically I don't know if she meant it in the way I thought she did. I don't know if I love her either, love is so blinded now to me due to my last relationship. They say that when you know, you know. I know I definitely have feelings for her, there's no question there. When I've had a bad day, I immediately want to see her because she makes it better. It's weird because when I was with Briana, she was always the reason for my bad moods.

Today is the day that my theater class and I perform in front of the school so I'm getting my make up and hair done.

"Are you ready to kiss me?" Carter smirks as he's sitting in the chair next to mine getting his hair done.

"Never been more ready for anything in my life." I say dramatically fake flirting. "I practiced kissing my mirror just for this moment." I lie.

He laughs, "Good, your lips always look soft, now I get to feel them." He says getting up looking really closely at them.

I slap his arm away, "Don't be weird!"

"Can you stop moving so much?" The makeup artist asks me.

"Sorry." I mumble side eyeing Carter trying not to laugh.

After my hair and makeup is done I go to get my costume on which is a cheerleading outfit for the first scene. The play is sort of like a high school musical where the football player is the jock and bully's me, the cheerleader, but we slowly become friends when I have to tutor him and then at the end we have an argument which ends with a kiss and that's how the play ends. I'm kinda nervous because I haven't told Sophia that I have to kiss him and she'll be watching along with the whole school.

After running my lines over and over again making sure I don't forget anything. I walk behind the curtain and stand on my mark and wait for Carter. Our first scene is in the middle of the hallways at school. Of course this is a play, so the hallway is a prop since we're doing this in the theater of our school. My scene begins with me and one of my friend's talking when Carter comes by and we start arguing.

The girl that plays the friend goes on her mark and we're leaning against the lockers. The curtains open and we start the play. It actually went by pretty quickly and we only sang about five or more songs throughout it. When I sang, they were perfect opportunities for me to look out for Sophia and we made eye contact a couple times.

"Last scene, you excited?" Carter asks as we're getting our makeup touched up quickly as other people are doing scenes right now. We're wearing our outfits that we were wearing during our first scene so I'm in the cheerleading outfit and he's in a football jersey. The last scene will be the setting of a football game so the background will be a sky with a football field as if we were at a game.

"Yeah of course. We worked super hard the past months and I'm glad people finally get to see. Plus we're about to have our first kiss!" I say as we stand up going backstage.

He rolls his eyes and we go behind the curtain to wear our scene is. The curtain soon opens and we start our scene along with other people that are around us but the light is set on us. "Are we still hanging out after the game?" I ask putting my arms around his neck.

Carter quickly unwraps my arms from his neck and a hurt expression crosses my face. "I told you, it's the last game, the boys and I always hang after it." He says sighing.

"So their more important than me?" I ask getting angry.

He stumbles on his words, "T-that's not what I'm saying!" He says clenching his jaw.

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