Chapter 9

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Isabella's POV

"Oh my god." Ms. Miller says with a shaky breath. The plane is taking off and if you've ever been on a plane you know that when it takes off it needs to gain speed before it takes off.

I reach my hand out to her and she grabs it tightly while her other hand clutches the arm chair. "I'm guessing this is your first time?" I ask once we're in the air.

"Is it that noticeable?" She asks a little out of breath.

I laugh a little and notice she's still holding my hand in her lap. I think nothing of it since she's probably still scared and wants the comfort. "You should've seen me my first time..." I began to think about the exact moment and laugh a little. "I don't know if I should tell you." I say embarrassed.

"No tell me... please." She asks sticking her bottom lip out.

"Well u-umm so I was probably around ten or so and it was for a family vacation and I actually had my first panic attack because of it also. Anyways as soon as we took off I was so nervous I got sick all over myself and basically was just paranoid the whole time." I say hoping this story is cheering her up and taking her mind off that we're 31,000 feet about the ground right now.

She looks at me then bursts out laughing. I pout, "Hey I'm better now! I find it semi comforting now. Especially at night, the lights are beautiful when you look down. Open the window and look down you won't regret it."

She raises her eyes at me then does what I said. Her hand clutches mine even tighter as she looks through the window at the ground. Her eyes soften after a few seconds. "It is beautiful." She says then looks at me.

Our staring at each other gets interrupted when we hear someone moan somewhere on the plane. "Looks like someone is about to be apart of the mile high club." I say.

"What's that?" She asks. She looks genuinely confused and I don't know how she doesn't know what that is.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" I ask as my cheeks start getting hot. She nods. "The mile high club is basically people who have done sexual things on an airplane either in the bathroom or in their seats. Once you've done it you become apart of the mile high club." I explain.

Her cheeks are red and her mouth is open a little bit. "Oh." Is all she says then looks back out the window.

Halfway through the ride I hear a man ask, "Does anyone speak Italian on here?" I hesitantly raise my hand since no one else did. The man sees me and comes back with about a 5 year old girl on his hip. "Hi I'm Albert. I'm so sorry to disrupt you, this is my niece, she only speaks Italian and I have no idea what she's saying.."

I look over to Ms. Miller and she's looking at us. "Sono Isabella, come ti chiami?" (I'm Isabella, what's your name?) I ask to the little girl who immediately locks eyes with me.

"Aurora." She says smiling at me.

Her uncle watches the interaction, "Can you take her for a moment and see what she needs while I go to the restroom?" He asks.

What kind of uncle leaves a five year old with two strangers? "Sure." I say politely and he sets her down on my lap.

"Aurora è un bro none." (Aurora is a beautiful name.) I say to the little girl on my lap as she smiles at me and frowns.

"Hai fame? Assetato? Stanco?" (Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired?) I ask her careful not to scare her.

She points to her stomach and I smile knowing what's wrong now. "Can you pass me the menu please?" I ask Ms. Miller. I go to the kids menu side, "Ok, allora abbiamo pizza, involtini di peperoni, hamburger—" (Okay so we have pizza, pepperoni rolls, burgers—) I start saying as I read off the items.

"Pizza!" She says clapping her hands. "Bella scelta." (Good choice.) I say winking.

I order a kids pizza for her and see Aurora keeps looking at Ms. Miller. "È carina, vero?" (She's pretty isn't she?) I say while looking at her also. Ms. Miller gives me a weird look seeing as we're both looking at her.

The pizza arrives and the kid eats the whole thing in a matter of a minute. Damn she was hungry. Her uncle comes back and sees a pizza eaten and looks at me. "She was hungry." I say to him then look back at Aurora. "Quando hai bisogno di qualcosa e tuo zio non riesce a capirti, usa il tuo corpo per mostrargli che sta bene? Quando devi usare il bagno stringi semplicemente le gambe, quando hai fame punta allo stomaco e quando hai sete fai sembrare la tua mano come se tenessi una bottiglia d'acqua, ok?" (When you need something and your uncle can't understand you, use your body to show him okay? When you have to use the bathroom just squeeze your legs together, when you get hungry point to your stomach, and when you get thirsty make your hand look like your holding a water bottle okay?) I say to her.

She nods happily then gives me a hug as her uncle picks her up. "Thank you so much." He says to me leaving. Aurora waves at Ms. Miller and I smiling.

I smile to myself, that made me really happy for some reason.

I look to Ms. Miller and she's staring dead at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Since when you do you speak fluent in a whole other language?" She asks intrigued.

I blush. I guess I forgot most people don't know I'm Italian. My mom was originally from Italy and then moved here along with my grandparents. She taught me all I know but also taught me how to speak in English so I'm fluent in both. As for my physical features, I am somewhat tan with brown hair and hazel eyes, i guess at first glance you wouldn't believe I was Italian.

"I'm Italian." I say for the first time to her.

"There is so many things I don't know about you." She says with a quiet sigh.

"You have no idea." I smirk.

"Hey what was that a minute ago, what were you guy's talking about?" She asks referring to when I called her pretty.

"I have no idea what you're talking about... Ms. Miller." I say.

"Isabella Bianchi if I hear that come out of your mouth one more time—"

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