Chapter 28

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Isabella's POV

As the song Hearts Don't Break Around Here plays on the radio, I take the time to stare at my beautiful girlfriend and realize how lucky I am.

"What are you looking at?" She raises her eyebrow at me.

"My beautiful girlfriend." I say with a grin.

She blushes as she rolls her eyes. "I can't believe I let you talk me into doing this."

"That's because you love me." I say like it's obvious but then realize the mistake I made. "Shit, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean—"

"No" She swallows hard as she says, "Don't be sorry if it's true."

I search her eyes as a smile tugs at my lips. "You love me?" I ask pointing to myself.

"Yes, you goof." She says giggling trying her best to look at me while also looking at the road. "I love you so much actually." She says grabbing one of my hands giving it a kiss then resting it on my inner thigh.

"I love you Sophia." I say reaching over and kissing her on the cheek.

Life literally could not get any better. I finally have the girl of my dreams whom I'm so in love with and we're going camping together for the very first time.

When we finally get to the camping grounds the first thing we do is put our tent up. We definitely struggled but team work makes the dream work. 

We decide to keep our food and snacks in her car because we don't want the raccoons or any other animal stealing it.

"Come here baby" She says from inside the tent. I climb down in it to see she blew up the air mattress and already put all the covers and blankets in it. She's laying down underneath them already and I maneuver myself so I'm tucked in beside her. She wraps her arms around me. "You're so beautiful Izzy"

I smile as I lean into kiss her. Her hand tangles into my hair as her other hand makes it's way to my waist gripping my skin. She deepens the kiss as she breathlessly gets out, "Time for camping sex?"

"Wow, we're only about 2 hours in and you already want to fuck me?" I ask with a smirk playing with her baby hairs around her face.

She kisses my lips again making her way to my neck. "Can you seriously blame me though? You're so sexy Isabella." She mumbles in my neck.

I whimper as she starts kissing my neck making me tilt my head to give her more access. She makes eye contact as she takes my shirt off along with my bra and pants. She gets straight to it and I watch her take her finger rubbing me over my underwear. I know I'm already wet.

She takes my underwear off and kisses my thighs. I watch her head disappear between my thighs. And soon I'm screaming my girlfriends name over and over again. "Well at least I know you'll never forget my name." She says licking me up and then kissing me.

I began to kiss her hard but she says, "Love, tonight was about you, I can get my turn tomorrow." I pout because for some reason I like giving just as much as receiving. I get pleasure just by giving her pleasure and that's something that's never really happened before.

I realize that it's just now getting dark outside so I ask Sophia if we can make s'mores. It's something I was the most excited about coming here.

We start a fire and start roasting our marshmallows. Ever since a little kid, I always liked my marshmallows golden but now that I've gotten older, I've realized that all the way burnt is the best way to have them. We eat our s'mores and then just watch the fire.

I'm sitting on Sophia's lap basically falling asleep to the sound of the crackling fire. "God, you look absolutely perfect." I hear in my ear.

I smile and lean into capture her lips. "I love you so so much, you have no idea..."

"I said it first though." She says sticking her tongue out.

"Actually I did when you were asleep one night." She just pouts in return.

Eventually we realize it's become late and we don't want to get eaten by bugs or worse so we put out the fire and get in our little bed we made. We say I love you to each other for the first time before going to bed specifically and go to sleep in each other's arms.

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