Chapter 7

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Isabella's POV

"Wake up wake up!" I feel someone beat me with a pillow. "You're gonna be late!"

That makes me jump up from my bed nearly falling off. Mia is standing there with a grin laughing. "Hurry up! Did you forget to set your alarm last night?"

I nod and she walks out and I hurry up and put sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. I throw a pair of fuzzy Christmas socks on which were the first ones I found and slipped crocks on. I throw my hair in a messy bun and quickly put mascara on so I don't look dead. I throw my book bag over my shoulder and run downstairs.

I was so tired last night after being at Ms. Miller's house I almost fell asleep while doing my homework. I hope she has a way to school today. Fuck! I didn't put my uniform in the washer and I have a game today.

"Mia, can you please throw my uniform in the washer? It's on the floor of my bedroom." I ask as I quickly get my keys off the hook.

She yells a quick yes and I shut the front door. Guess I won't be eating until lunch.

When I pull up at school I grab my bag and speed walk to my locker. Carter is already standing there. No surprise there. "I was just about to text you." He says putting in my code for my locker as he knows it.

I put my bag in and get the books I need for my first two classes. "Sorry, I forgot to set my alarm last night." I say tiredly.

"I can tell." He says looking me up and down. "I think this is the first time I've seen you with your hair up."

"Shut up." I say playfully punching him as we walk away from my locker to theatre.

We basically have been doing the same thing everyday. We've been practicing for sectionals. Me and Carter actually play love interests. As much as I'd like it to be with a girl there's no other boy I'd rather fake being in love with.

"Tomorrow we'll be doing costume fittings!" Mrs. Brown says as the bell rings.

"Dude why am I just realizing you're wearing Christmas socks?" Carter says taking a picture of me flipping him off as I'm in in front of him basically at Ms. Miller's door.

"Shut the fuck up." I say trying to get his phone to delete the picture.

"What did I just hear?" I hear a stern voice. I yank Carter's phone and turn around to be met with Ms. Miller. Our faces are literally barely an inch apart and I glance down at her lips. As I was lost in the moment Carter yanks his phone back. "Ouch!" I say faking being hurt because he just got his phone back.

"I think you need to go to the nurse." Ms. Miller says already grabbing me. "Be Right back class, follow what's on the board." 

I look back and no longer see Carter. "That dick." I mumble under my breath.

"You're gonna have to fake being hurt." She says side eyeing me.

"Wh—" I began to ask.

"The whole class heard you cuss. I would have had to give you detention. Since I had to bring you to the nurse no one will remember, including me, a thank you would be nice."  She smirks as we made it to the nurse.

"My knight and shining armor." I dramatically say and lean on her in which she catches me.

The nurse isn't even in here so we began to chat. "How did you make it to school?" I ask remembering yesterday.

"My friend brought me. My car's actually in the shop and I still need to find a ride tonight." Realization hits her face at once, "Nooo! I have to miss your game tonight." She pouts. Her saying that makes me think for one second that's she's like my girlfriend that comes to every game cheering me on...

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