Chapter 20

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Isabella's POV

I wake up and find myself laying on a bed. If I remember correctly I fell asleep in Sophia's lap. I sit up and look over at the clock and it says 5:00am. I go to get out of bed but an arm wraps tightly around my torso. I look over to see Sophia asleep but her arm is around me. The fact she's doing this subconsciously puts a smile on my face. I struggle but eventually make it out of her arms. I quietly get up and put running shorts on and a sweatshirt. I slip on my running shoes then grab my AirPods. As I'm about to walk out I have the urge to kiss Sophia as I leave. So I reach and kiss her on the forehead and leave the house going on a morning run in the neighborhood.

Before moving, I would go on morning runs every day. It was a routine. I never once missed it because I was so used to doing it. I guess I got out of bed this morning so easily because I missed it, it gave me motivation. Yes, I'm still in shape but running has always been a passion of mine. Maybe not competitively or professionally but it's something that's always helped me escape from the world a bit. In a way it helps me breathe. It's like the stress and my problems come off in the sweat.

While running I can't help but think of my mom. When I first told her I was going to start running in the mornings she laughed. She didn't think I'd actually do it. Eventually she started running with me in the mornings. It was kind of our thing. Sometimes we would talk the whole run and sometimes there was just silence. Either way we enjoyed the other's company.

I got my figure from my mom. She always had a healthy lifestyle since I was younger which inspired my younger self. If I ever slipped, I feel like my mom would be disappointed in me. When I was younger, my mom never pushed for me to be a certain way. Actually while growing up, I was a tomboy. I always was playing with the boys. I never wanted to play cheerleading or play with Barbie dolls.  It's kinda funny because now my style in clothing is more feminine. I like makeup, while my younger self hated it.

I soon realize I've been running for about two hours and start jogging home. When I get inside I take my sweatshirt off leaving me in a sports bra, doubting anyone's up yet. I open the fridge and get a cold water downing it. Since I didn't eat before running and I won't be going back to sleep I might as well get my day started.

I decide to make avocado toast. I put a piece of bread in the toaster and fry and egg. While I'm cooking the egg Mistakes Like This by Prelow comes on and I start softly singing as I prepare my breakfast.

And my dick takes over
And I'm thinking bout your lips
But we're too damn sober
For mistakes like this

I take the bread out so it doesn't burn and put it on a plate. I get the avocado and mash some up and spread it on the toast. I place my fried egg on top and add pepper, red pepper flakes, and tomatoes. As I get more into the song my AirPods die, "Fuck." I whisper as I take out my AirPods and put them to charge in the case. I turn around to go to the island but run into a body. Before I even look up I mumble a sorry.

"Oh hey! You're up." I say seeing Sophia as she watches me put my plate down and grab another water from the fridge. "You hungry?" I ask putting the water down as she sits in a chair beside me.

She shakes her head. "Okay I know how this goes. You're at a place that's not your own so you're uncomfortable to get stuff yourself... been there done that. Eat this and I'll make another one." I say already going to make breakfast.

"This is really good." I hear from behind me. I put the bread in the toaster and turn around to her. "Thank you." I smile.

"How'd I get in my bed by the way?" I ask as I start frying an egg.

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