Chapter 18

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Isabella's POV

"What about this one?" Alexis asks for the millionth time. She's a holding up and tight sparkly dress that you'd wear at the club.

"Alexis this is a dinner with my dad's coworker and son not for a strip club unfortunately." I groan swatting it away.

We continue looking and my eyes fall on a dress that is kind of designed like a romper. It shows a little bit of the stomach and it's a tie like a bow. I grab it and walk to a change room. "How do I look?" I ask walking out.

Alexis's jaw drops when she sees me. "Alexis your gay is showing." I joke.

Alexis laughs, "I'm not gay but shit for you? Maybe a little bit. I mean look at your little guns." She says feeling my muscles. "I can even see your defined abs." She says running her fingers over my stomach.

I keep the outfit on and pay for it. Alexis and I grab Starbucks and drive back to my house. She leaves and I make it to my room without distractions. I touch up my hair and makeup and grab a pair of flats from my closet. I take a picture in my body mirror and post it on Instagram with the caption, "Do I look straight enough?"

Asher runs in my room eventually while I'm just laying in bed watching Netflix. "Bella!" He says in his toddler voice that melts me.

"Hey buddy." I say as he jumps on my bed in my arms. "What are you watching?" He asks.

"It's an adult show bud you wouldn't like it. Let's find a show for you how about that?" I say.

I put paw patrol on and he snuggles up to me. I actually get interested in the show and even memorize the theme song. The next episode that comes on, Asher and I are both singing it. Asher soon falls asleep in my arms so I bring him to his room and lay him down. "Isabella we have company!" I hear John yell up.

Great. I just need to get through this dinner then pack for my grandparents for the weekend.

I walk downstairs to the dinner table and see a man with almost grey hair talking to my dad. He's wearing a suit. Who wears a suit for a dinner at someone's house? I mentally scoff and look beside him to see I'm assuming his son. Nothing special there.

"Honey, this is Sam and his son Max. This is my daughter Isabella." John says as I get closer. Sam shakes my hand and Max kisses my cheek catching me off guard.

"Your dad was right... you are very beautiful." Max says pulling out my chair for me.

I hum not wanting to say anything. John goes around putting the food on our plates. He made pasta and salad. John and Sam soon get in conversation about work and Max starts talking to me. "So beautiful, what's the first thing you notice about me?" He asks smirking.

Great, he's self centered and tries too hard. "Your eyes." I say lying wanting this to end.

"Well I noticed your ass." He whispers. "For a small girl like you, you do have a fatty." He says licking his lips. God I could throw up.

I barely eat throughout the whole dinner and eventually Sam stands up to leave. "It was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again." He says shaking my hand.

While Sam and John go to the door Max stands beside me, "Here's my number, call me." He says going to hug me but then grabs my ass and squeezes. What the actual fuck.

"Get the fuck out." I say not caring if John hears.

"What?" He laughs thinking I'm joking.

"You think it's funny to just say inappropriate jokes that make women uncomfortable? To just grope someone's ass without consent?" I ask getting angrier.

He rolls his eyes and walks to his dad. "Let's go." I hear him say to his dad that was in deep conversation with John.

I walk upstairs not bothering to small talk to John about tonight. As I walk up the stairs Mia grabs me into her room. "Can we talk for a second?" She asks.

"Of course." I say. "Is there anything wrong?"

"No but umm, are you gay?" She ask.

I hesitate before answering, "yes." I close my eyes.

I hear her squeal making me open my eyes. "I'm bisexual!"

Well I definitely wasn't expecting that. "Does John know?" I ask.

"Oh of course not oh my god." She says. We continue talking about our sexuality and the dinner that was arranged then I excuse myself for bed. I take a shower and quickly pack for the weekend. I'm coming home to visit but I might slip in that I'm thinking about moving back.

The next time I wake up I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I don't do my makeup but make sure I have everything packed. They don't know I'm visiting so I'm trying to surprise them.

I drive to the airport and get on my plane. I got sat next to a noisy ass baby. His mom was nice though and apologized at least 10 times. When we land I get my luggage and call a cab.

The drive to my grandparents went by slow since I was excited to be with them. When I arrive I take my suitcase and walk up to their door watching the Uber drive away. I knock on the door then get out of the way. I hear the door open and my grandma yell out, "Is anyone there?"

I slowly walk out because I don't want her having a heart attack. "Honey!" I hear her gasp and she hugs me. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I was homesick?" I say then get my suitcase walking in.

"Is everything okay?" She asks in a worried tone following me up to where my room is.

"Of course grandma, I just missed you guys that's all..." I say. I was about to talk about yesterday and the things John did and made me do but decided against it. "Where's grandpa?" I ask putting my suitcase on the floor in front of the bed.

"He went to the neighbors to watch football, he should be back in about an hour or two." She says as we walk down stairs.

"So how has school been?" She asks patting my leg as we sit on the couch.

"It's good, all A's. Softball just ended so basketball tryouts will be starting soon. I was actually planning on going to the park down the road where I used to play for a little bit after I see grandpa." I say smiling. I miss it here. Quite a lot actually.

"Why didn't Sophia come up?" She asks. I knew that question was gonna come up. I know how much they liked her.

"She was busy—" I say but the house phone goes off. She goes to answer it and I go get a water from the fridge.

Not wanting to interrupt or seem noisy I go upstairs and put shorts and a tank top on that reveals my sports bra underneath. I put shoes on and grab my basketball from the closet and walk downstairs. Grandma is sitting on the couch still on the phone so I point to the door with my basketball and she nods.

When I get to the park, it's empty so I shoot around and practice my dribbling skills. I was point guard for a few years so I tried to get back into my element. My shots were a little off because of the lack of practice but I can easily bounce back to where I used to be with effort so I don't worry too much.

When I notice the sun going down I realize I must have been here for a couple hours. I decide to head back to the house. It's only a five minute walk but I decide to jog because I miss running as crazy as it sounds. Maybe I'll take a run in the morning when I wake up before I go back home tomorrow night.

I jiggle the door and it's unlocked so I walk in. I hear voices in the kitchen and completely stop in the door way when I hear a voice I least expected.

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