Chapter 21

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Isabella's POV

My alarm wakes me up early Monday morning. I text a quick "Good morning" to Sophia then make myself get out of bed. I put on skinny jeans that show off my hips really well along with a white spaghetti strap crop top. I use a white shoelace as a belt and put my hair in a high ponytail. I do my makeup as usual and put hooped earrings on. I grab my things and walk downstairs making breakfast.

I've stayed out of John's way due to what happened last time. As much as I'd like to scream at him about everything that's wrong with him, as of now I do live under his roof. I have to be smart about my decisions. When I'm done eating I grab my bookbag and keys and get in my car.

Carter and I meet at my locker as usual. "Isabella, your body is to die for." He says taking a step back and completely looking me up and down. "Like, you're literally a fucking goddess."

I feel my cheeks heat up, "Shut up." I say hitting his shoulder and pulling him to class.

After class Mrs. Brown talks to me about our show that's coming up. I am the lead after all so she wanted to make sure I'm ready. When she releases me I'm already 15 minutes late to class so I quickly walk to Ms. Miller's room.

"Where's your tardy slip Ms. Bianchi?" Ms. Miller says turning around from the board she was writing on making everyone's eyes go to me.

I felt so tiny in front of her. "I-I don't have one." I say looking away from her eyes.

"That's detention, take your seat." She says looking back to the board.

I took my seat next to Carter earning a confused look from him. I shrug my shoulders wondering the same thing. We had a good weekend, we're on good terms now. She flew all the way to me to tell me how much she wanted this to work. Why is she acting like a bitch?

"As i was saying before I got interrupted..." she continues talking while avoiding my eyes.

Half way through the lesson I feel a tap on my shoulder and look behind me to see a boy in my class handing me a piece of paper while smirking. I take it and read the letter to myself.

I'd do anything to fuck you.
Meet me in the closet at lunch.

"Care to share to the class what's so important to not pay attention in my class?" Ms. Miller asks walking to my seat.

I begin to try to put the piece of paper away but she snatched that shit right out of my hands. As she reads it her jaw clenches and she looks up but it's not at me. Her eyes are filled with rage, I've never seen her like this. Something had to have happened to make her act like this.

"Liam meet me after class." She says through gritted teeth, crumbling up the paper and throwing it away.

When class ends I hide beside Carter walking out so she doesn't go off on me about anything else.

"What the fuck is her problem today? It's like Ms. Miller's evil twin took her spot today or something." Carter says as we walk to lunch.

I know I shouldn't laugh but he was so right. "I'm genuinely scared of her." I say as we sit down at our table. Alexis sits down and we eat lunch. The rest of the day goes by and I have no homework. I don't know if I should go see Sophia or not. I know some people like being alone when they're dealing with things and I don't want her to push me away further by nagging her about it.

When I get home Mia is downstairs making dinner while Cooper and Asher play in the living room. As soon as I step foot through the door, "Bella!" The boys yell running towards me.

I pick up Asher since he's younger and lighter and side hug Cooper. I sometimes forget about the age difference and that Asher is only 2. I sit on the couch as the boys cuddle up around me and we watch a movie.

Soon Mia brings our plates and we eat. "Hey Mia?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She says looking at me.

"What do I do when someone I'm close with is sort of ignoring me and cold but they were just clingy and loving a day before?" I ask seeking advice.

"Definitely talk to them. Something's gotta be up. It may even have nothing to do with you at all and they may just suck at dealing with emotions." She says continuing to eat.

When I finish I tell Mia I'm heading out for a few hours but I'll be back before 10. I stop by a flower shop and get roses along with chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate when upset?

I drive to Sophia's apartment and soon I'm knocking on her door. When she opens it, I can't tell if she's happy or not. Her face went from a frown to slightly a curved lip? Her eyes travel from me to the roses and chocolates in my hands. "Isabella." She breathes out.

She walks to me and shuts the door behind me and hugs me. I wrap my arms securely around her waist and we stay like this for about a minute. "Are these for me?" She asks seeing the roses.

"No, they're for your dog." I joke rolling my eyes but placing them in her hands.

We walk to the kitchen and she gets a vase and puts them in it. I lay the chocolates down on the counter as Sophia hugs me again. "Thank you." She mumbles in my shoulder. "You're actually the very best." She says pulling away looking in my eyes. I slowly lean in and kiss her, rubbing her cheek.

"I figured you deserve it after today." I say as she smiles at me.

"You have no idea." She says laying her head between my chest and shoulder.

We walk over to her couch and she begins to tell me what has happened in the last 24 hours. "A couple hours after you left I decided to call my parents and inform them I was seeing someone. I obviously didn't tell them you were my student but I told them your age." Sophia is fumbling with her hands in her lap so I take her hand and hold it in my lap. She looks from our hands to me and smiles. "I know it may seem early to tell them but I'm so serious about you, Isabella." She says giving a squeeze to my hand.

"So how bad did they react to make you act like you did today?" I hesitantly ask.

She looks away from my eyes but starts to speak, "They said a lot of things, I said a lot of things. We argued back and fourth for an hour... they want to meet you. I declined obviously but they said if I'm this serious about an 18 year old then they wanted to see what was so special about her."

She sees the panic flash in my eyes, "Don't worry! There's no date as of yet and if you're not comfortable then it won't happen." She says rubbing my leg.

We begin talking about basketball tryouts coming up and then she brings up Liam. "Has... Liam always been like this towards you?" I can sense her jealousy but I decide against saying anything about it.

"He's always had a thing for me, a lot of the boys do. I'm used to it." I shrug my shoulders.

She clenched her jaw then looks up at me smiling. "I do feel like this could win them over though." She says changing the subject to her parents. "That way they can see you how I see you... how could they not love you?" She says sighing, moving hair out of my face.

Did she just admit she loves me?

Complications Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ