Chapter 23

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Isabella's POV

"Suicides back and forth!" Coach Doug yells to the basketball team.

Today are tryouts and we've already done basically everything that would debate if we're on the team or not and now he's making us run.

Couch Doug is a good basketball coach and I can tell that by how hard he is on us. He's definitely a yeller but I'm used to that when I play sports.

While doing suicides, I pace myself and don't go fast so I save my breath. When we're done we grab our waters and he makes us sit on the bleachers as he stands up in front of us. "Okay girls, all of you are clearly very impressive with the ball. There's no doubt about that. I have some serious debating and thinking to do over the weekend. Since there is a lot of you that tried out, I will be making two teams. Now with that said, there is also two coaches that couldn't make it tonight. I'll be the varsity coach and will occasionally help out with JV. I'll call everyone down here on Monday during school and we'll have practice at 6:00 until we figure out your schedule and what team you'll be on. Any questions?" He finishes.

I forgot to mention, Coach Doug is also the PE teacher at our school. Everyone says no and we all head out to leave. I grab my basketball bag and head out to my car. I didn't bring clothes to change into so I keep my basketball shorts on and put my hoodie over my t-shirt. I open my messages about to text Sophia but a girl stops me.

"Hi, I'm Elodie!" The girl says stopping me with her hand.

"I'm Isabella." I say continuing to walk to my car.

"Um, I usually never do this but here's my number. I think you're really cute and would love to talk sometime." She says before handing me a piece of paper and walking off.

Do chicks just keep pieces of paper and pens in their pockets in case they see hot people or what?

I stick the paper in my pocket and drive to Sophia's place which I'll be staying at over the weekend since it's Friday.

Before I get out of my car, I put deodorant and perfume on so I don't reek of sweat and knock on her door. When she opens the door she pulls me in and shuts the door behind me before kissing me. "Well hello to you too." I say pulling away taking her in.

She's wearing shorts that you could barely see because of her loose, long t-shirt. And her hair is wet but also brushed. "Already took a shower, without me?" I fake pout.

"Shut up." She says rolling her eyes while smiling. "So do you think you make the team?" She asks heading up to her bedroom with me following.

"Technically I don't think Couch Doug is cutting people because he's making two teams but yeah I definitely made it." I say.

"Did you not bring clothes with you?" She asks noticing that I didn't bring a bag or anything with me. I actually did that on purpose because I wanted to wear her clothes.

She takes my silence as her answer and walks to her drawer handing me clothes to wear. "Go take a shower, everything you need is in there along with your toothbrush, and there's also underwear with those clothes." She says pushing me to the bathroom. "Don't be long!" I hear her yell when I shut the door.

I like when I stay over at Sophia's house because when I leave I still carry around her smell. That may sound creepy but it's quite comforting because her scent sort of feels like home to me.

When I get out and brush my teeth, I walk to her laundry room and put in my dirty basketball clothes then grab a water from her fridge. When I get back to her room she's already in her bed watching a show. She has the covers over her but slightly put down
and folded on my side so it's easy for me to get in.

When she sees me she smiles and opens her arms out for me to crawl in. I get under the covers and put my water on her nightstand then lay between her legs, resting my head on her chest.

Half way through the show, Sophia begins to hum along to a song. "Sing for me" I say in a sleepy voice.

"I'm not a very good singer—" She begins to say.

"I don't care." I mumble, kissing her bare skin.

A couple seconds go by until I hear her finally start singing.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

"Sophia, that was beautiful." I say in a raspy voice and reach up and kiss her lips.

"Have you been listening to Taylor Swift just for me?" I ask in a playful tone cuddling back into her chest.

I hear a chuckle, "Sorry to burst your bubble but I've watched the hunger games at least 50 times." She says.

I roll my eyes and before I know it I'm asleep.

When I wake up the following morning, I expect to wake up in Sophia's arms but instead she's not in bed. I slowly get out of bed, careful not to get up too fast because I get lightheaded sometimes. I walk to her bathroom but she's not in there. I walk down the stairs and see her at the kitchen island drinking coffee.

"I wanted to wake up next to you." I pout from where I'm standing at the end of the staircase. I walk to the coffee pot and make me a cup of coffee and sit next to her.

"So how'd you sleep?" I ask sipping my coffee.

Sophia doesn't look at me and just gives me a thumbs up while she drinks her coffee.

"I think you should go." She says looking directly at me.

"What, why?" I say defensively.

"Because I said so. That's a good enough reason." She says.

"No. It's not. Not after we had a perfect day yesterday. What has changed? Just tell me." I say basically pleading.

"How about I just show you?" She says then walks to the dryer and hands me my clothes. I'm confused on what she's on about. "Oh, come on!" She says reaching into the pocket. She holds a piece of paper in front of her face. Fuck.

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