Chapter 16

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Isabella's POV

"You're mean." I pout after Sophia won't tell me where we're going.

"I'm not mean, you're just inpatient." She says while driving.

I roll my eyes and continue to stare at her as she drives us to who knows where. "You're not gonna kill me are you?"

"Shut up." She says smiling at me.

After awhile she finally pulls into a parking spot. I look around to see us at a Christmas lights walk through. "How did you know I like Christmas lights?" I ask with my eyes on her now.

"You do?" She asks and mumbles, "thank god." Under her breath. "I actually didn't know if you did or not but I do so that's good." She says.

"Let me get my jacket from the back you'll be cold." She says getting out. I could've told her I had my jacket but I'd rather wear hers because it smells like her. I'm the birthday girl I can do what I want.

She opens my door and I get out. She puts the jacket on for me. "I'm so glad I get to show you off tonight with no regrets." She says holding my hand walking towards the line.

"Mmm, I am too." I say kissing her hand.

We walk through looking at the lights and Sophia takes her phone out as we're inside of this rainbow type of light thing and tries to get our picture.

"Here, I can't help but notice the struggle I can take it?" A man says coming up to us.

"Thank you." Sophia says and we walk a way. Sophia stands in front of me and looks in my eyes. "I'm falling for you." She says then kisses me as her hands cup my face and mine go around her waist above her butt.

This was our first kiss in public and I couldn't be happier. I smile in the kiss and she pulls away with her hands still around my neck. "There's a couple I took. Beautiful couple ladies!" He says giving the phone back to us. We didn't even have time to tell him we're not together although I am not opposed to the idea of us being a couple at all.

Sophia shows me the pictures and we continue walking hand in hand through the streets.

As we're near the end of the lights and are walking back to the car a random guy walks up to us. He looks around my age actually and he's good looking not that I'd ever date a guy. "H-hi sorry, I couldn't help but notice you. I've actually been walking behind you with my family, but you're the most beautiful girl I've seen..." he looks back at his family who are giving him thumbs up, "Sorry! M-my name is Xander, I go to school here at Lilic's High School, can I get your number?" He says nervously.

I look over at Sophia for help but she's not looking at me instead she's looking at him. Can he not see that our hands are clearly intertwined. I try to let go of Sophia's hand only to talk to him but she grips it tighter. "I'm her girlfriend." She says stepping in making his eyes go wide and glance at her finally.

He lightly laughs, "You're joking right?" He asks.

Sophia rolls her eyes and flips him off as she grabs my jaw with the other hand and completely makes out with me. We hear a "what the fuck" and he leaves. "That was so hot." I say in her ear.

She just grabs my hand walking us back to the car. She opens my door then walks to hers. "Well that was fun." I say smiling then notice she isn't. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I-I just that really hit the spot ya know? I know you're a pretty girl Isabella— the most prettiest girl. It just makes me think, how many guys are checking you out and asking for your number? There's nothing I can do about it either." She says.

I grab her hand and hold it to my chest. "I'm going to be honest there has been boys that have went up to me asking for my number... but I'm also a lesbian. Plus now that I have you why on earth would I look at anyone else? Sophia you're a very beautiful woman. All the boys drool over you at school and talk about how bad they want to fuck you. Believe me, I'm so close to beating the shit out of them too, but anyways it's still weird that you choose me I guess. Just know there's no one else I have eyes for I promise you." I say kissing her hand.

She leans in and kisses me. "Is it true what you said?" I pull away in a haze.

"What?" She asks out of breath.

"You said you w-were falling for me earlier. Is it true?" I ask looking away.

She looks down then looks at me, "Of course I meant it Isabella. I can easily see myself falling in love with you." She says looking at my lips. I take this as a hint and smash our lips together. My tongue enters her mouth and we fight for dominance. When our tongues meet a jolt of electricity flows through my body and I moan slightly. Sophia groans, "That's was so hot."

"It's a shame I don't get birthday sex." I say against her ear.

Sophia groans, "Isabella, you know I want to but we need to wait." She says pulling back and starting the car.

I sigh and look out the window ignoring how sexually frustrated I am. I know in the end it will be worth it though. We have about five months until we graduate and until then I have a plan to tease the hell out of her.

When we get back to her place she makes me sit on the couch while she gets my presents. To be honest she's made my birthday the best birthday so far so the presents are just a plus. When she comes back she's holding a little box wrapped and a gift bag. "Open this one first." She says handing me the little box. I unwrap it and it's a necklace. "There's a picture inside look." She says opening it for me. I look closely and see a picture of mom and I from when I was little. "How did you—" I start but get cut off.

"I've talked to your grandma. I told her my idea and she sent a photo for me. She actually sent me a couple, you were a cute kid." She says and wipes a tear I didn't know I had.

"May I?" She asks gesturing to the necklace. I nod while smiling and turn to the side so she can put the necklace on. After she puts it on she kisses the back of my neck then let's my hair fall down.

I open the gift bag next and it has all my favorite candies including gift cards for my favorite places. "Thank you Sophia." I say and wrap my arms around her.

Even though I'm not a big candy fan, she got all of my favorite ones and that's really sweet.

"Happy birthday Bambina (Babygirl)." She says.

"You've been practicing?" I ask smirking.

She shrugs her shoulder with a grin. We eventually go upstairs, change, then get into her bed and watch Christmas movies to fall asleep.

"Your mom would be proud of you." Sophia says looking over at me from her side of the bed.

"You think?" I ask staring back at her on my side with my elbow propped up.

"Isabella, you're literally the best softball player on your team— hell I think you could get a scholarship. You have perfect grades with perfect attendance. Not to mention you came out to your dad and have a whole family here that you had to adapt to." She says.

After a couple seconds of silence I say, "Ya know, you're hot when you're jealous."

She rolls her eyes, "I was not." She says.

"You say it like it's a bad thing. Jealous Sophia is sexy as hell and I can't wait for you to make me yours." I say biting my lip just thinking about how possessive she would be in bed.

"Believe me when I say I would take you in this bed right here right now if there weren't consequences." She says getting closer to me.

You could cut the tension with a knife right now. Sophia has never dirty talked like this and I'm beyond turned on right now. "If you come any closer, I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself." I say.

She smirks and lays down on her back. She opens her arms for me and I climb in them. She pecks my lips and whispers, "I hope you have some very very happy dreams about me." in my ear.

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