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Counterattack Strategies Chapter 50: Food and live broadcast (2)
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Food and live broadcast (2)

Waking up early in the morning, Lu Jingqian stood on the corridor outside the house, took a deep breath, and the cool and fresh air entered his chest, making him feel refreshed immediately. Sure enough, no matter in that era, the air in the deep mountains is better than the air in the city. The fragrance of plants and the smell of soil make people relax involuntarily.

Lu Jingqian thought to himself, he is now the master of this mountain, and next, he is going to inspect his mountain.

When he was about to go out, he thought about it and suddenly turned back to the room.

He found a set of white silk clothes in the closet and put them on. The fabric is smooth and comfortable, and the half-length side of the jacket is tied with a rope. The pants are loose, and only the sleeves are wrapped with long cloth. Not only is it comfortable to wear, but it is also easy to move. Convenient, a bit like an improved version of ancient costumes.

Lu Jingqian stood in front of the tall full-length mirror and found that although the suit looked simple, it looked a bit chivalrous when worn on the body. In fact, these are clothes designed by the original owner to make them more comfortable and convenient when learning how to cook and practice martial arts.

Of course, the main practice of the original is not the kind of Kungfu that flies over the wall like in TV movies, let alone the supernatural powers of the sci-fi variants, but the real basic skills in order to be able to cook for a long time. Such as knife work and carving, what you need to exercise is arm strength and palm skills. Standing for a long time, the lower body must be as stable as a mountain. The process of practicing is very tiring and hard, but the original owner likes it and can make the original owner's grandfather happy, so he has persisted in practicing for more than ten years without interruption.

The original owner was talented and able to endure hardships and persevere, which made the original owner's grandfather very pleased, so in other aspects, he made no demands and completely followed the original owner's wishes.

In fact, not only in this era, but as early as hundreds of years ago, when the technology industry exploded, there have been no chefs who have spent so much time and energy practicing basic skills. No matter how hard-working chefs are, they are only working hard to develop new dishes and make them taste better. Other things can be done by machines, so why bother to spend that effort, they think this is the inevitability of the development of the times.

In the Lanjia recipes, although many kung fu dishes can be prepared with the help of machines, they lack the most traditional and essence of Lanjia cuisine. So the grandfather of the original owner was overjoyed to see that the original owner was so talented and persistent, and taught him very carefully, hoping that one day he would be able to carry forward the most orthodox Lan family recipes.

Lu Jingqian rummaged through the cabinet for a long time before he found a video camera, which was left by the original owner a few years ago. Now this type of video camera is outdated and can't be bought anymore. But compared to modern photographic equipment, this camera is much more advanced.

Although the camera's pictures are very clear, and it can also be used for self-timer live broadcast, but for Lu Jingqian's next plan, this camera still can't satisfy him, or the latest camera in the world. Meet his requirements. So he took out his mobile phone and placed an order for several cameras of different models and types, planning to reprogram and modify them by himself after receiving them.

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