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Counterattack Strategies Chapter 39: Interstellar Medic (6)
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Interstellar military doctor strategy (6)

The original owner was expelled from the Imperial Military Academy because of being framed. It is said that with such a past, it is impossible for Lu Jingqian to find a job as a doctor in Emperor Star, let alone become a military doctor. But with Reynolds as his backer and medical minister Bernice's attention, he still entered the Emperor Star Military Medical Hospital and became a military doctor.

Reynolds believed everything he said unconditionally, and Bernice also chose to believe him after hearing his explanation. Because of Lu Jingqian's ability and talent, Bernice really didn't want to miss this talent, so he chose to believe in people with such high talent and ability, and he didn't even bother to steal other people's research results. What's more, even if he didn't believe it, Bernice, as his confidant, could only do what Reynolds wanted if he wanted Lu Jing to move to work in the Emperor Star Military Medical Hospital.

Of course, some people strongly opposed Lu Jing's move to work in the military medical hospital. For example, another vice-president, Kraut, who was arguing fiercely with Bernice in the dean's office at the moment.

Bernice brought Lu Jingqian to the dean's office to get his job stamped. After hearing the news, the vice president, Kraut, came here and firmly opposed Lu Jingqian's admission to become a doctor in the military hospital. He also brought a number of military doctors with him. Come together and oppose. As for who told him that Lu Jingqian was applying for employment today, Lu Jingqian turned around and saw Ya'erlin who came in behind them, and he already knew the answer.

"Let a person who steals other people's research results be a military doctor, you are promoting evil spirits! Let those who steal other people's research results have an example, it will make people who really work hard to do research chilling! It is a true talent. The blow!" Kraut's face flushed red, as if the louder the voice, the more reasonable it was.

Bernice was used to him yelling and yelling at every turn. He was calm, but he said without giving in, "Whether he stole other people's research results or others stole his research results, this matter itself exists." There are quite a lot of doubts. What's more, he saved the life of General Reynolds twice at the border, otherwise the general would not have been able to win. His contribution to the empire is enough to cover up those trumped-up charges."

"He has contributed to the empire, so give him medals and rewards, but his previous wrongdoings were dealt with by the Imperial Military Academy after investigation. Is there any doubt about it? In short, his previous mistakes have made him I have lost the qualification to be a military doctor forever, this is a warning and an explanation to all those who study medicine!"

"I have a letter of guarantee written by the general himself for him. The general has guaranteed him to become a military doctor in his own name. What right do you have to object?" Bernice looked at him and said, "If you have any objections , don’t yell at me here, go and say it in front of the general.”

"You..." Even if Kraut and Reynolds are not in the same faction, he doesn't have the guts to say that Reynolds' reputation cannot be a guarantee for Lu Jingqian. He can only pin his hopes on remaining neutral for many years, not standing On the dean of any faction "Dean, you must think about it clearly. Letting a person with a bad record work in our hospital will have a very bad impact on the reputation of our hospital, and may even arouse public anger." protest."

The most calm person here is probably the dean. He has been propping his chin with his folded hands, listening to the quarrel between the two without any reaction. If it wasn't for the fact that his eyes were still open, Lu Jingqian would have thought he had fallen asleep.

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