Food and live broadcast (1)

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Counterattack Strategies Chapter 49: Food and live broadcast (1)
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Food and live broadcast (1)

Lu Jingqian woke up to the sound of birds chirping, he opened his sore and blurred eyes, and saw a blurry green shadow outside through the wooden lattice window on the wall.

He couldn't help shivering and sneezed several times, then stood up abruptly from the icy water, the water flowed down his body, he hugged his cold body, and stood in the wide wooden barrel Shaking constantly.

Relying entirely on instinctive memory, he turned on the switch in the wooden box on the wall, drained the cold water, and refilled the hot water.

Lu Jingqian hugged his body and slowly sat back in the water. When the smoky hot water refilled the wooden barrel, his cold body gradually warmed up, allowing him to finally lie down in the water with ease.

After soaking in hot water for a while, his dizziness got better, at least his vision was no longer blurred, because he could clearly see the branches and leaves of the big tree outside through the wooden lattice window on the wall, and No longer a green shadow.

Lu Jingqian looked at the furnishings of the space he was in now. There were screens, wooden changing racks, wooden floors, wooden windows, and wooden barrels. The whole space was dominated by ancient styles, with almost no modern things to be seen. If he hadn't already learned about this world in the system, he would definitely think that he came to ancient times this time.

However, the world he came to this time is not only not ancient, but also a future world. Strictly speaking, the future world he came to this time is the future world in the early stage of development. Compared with the very late future world he visited before, this place is relatively backward in all aspects.

However, it is only backward compared with other future worlds. Compared with the first modern world he is in, the technology and other aspects here are much more advanced. So there's a reason why he wakes up in a place that's completely anciently decorated.

The original owner's name is Lan Shaoxuan, and their Lan family's recipes are very famous in this world. The Lan Family Cookbook does not refer to just a cookbook, but the names of their 26 branches in the world.

Lan Shaoxuan was originally the rightful heir of the Lan family, but among all the properties of the Lan family, he only got a mountain that was so remote that anyone would think it was useless, and a part of the property. He didn't get any of the branches.

The original owner's father died young, and the original owner's grandfather had always been in charge of the Lan family. The original owner was brought up by his grandfather, and he has a very close relationship with his grandfather, and his grandfather has always cultivated him with all his heart, wanting him to inherit the Lan family's business. Ordinarily, no matter what the original owner said, he shouldn't have just got a mountain top that his grandfather gave him early. As for why this happened, we have to start with the original owner's father who died early.

The original owner's parents belonged to a married marriage, the original owner's mother and the original owner's father were in the same family, and the original owner's grandfather carefully selected the daughter-in-law candidate who was very satisfied in all aspects. The original owner's father had no objection to this marriage at first, because he also felt that the original owner's mother was the most suitable wife candidate. Not only was she born well, she was good-looking, she was also well-educated, so he agreed to the marriage with the original owner's mother.

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