➺ { Helena } -Dxrk_quxxn-

49 5 3

Client: -Dxrk_quxxn-

Rater: helixgro

Username - 8/10

\I like the username because it fits into your dark theme. Overall it sounds pleasing and aesthetic, and I like the idea of using "x" to replace vowels to make it easily distinguishable from the rest. The name itself though is unoriginal, since there are dozens of accounts with the name "dark queen" or similar. I've also deducted points because I don't like how the "D" is capital but the "q" isn't.

Display Name - 8/10

I like how you've got a pretty font, though my only complaint is that the "S" looks like a "G". I suggest you find a different font which also reflects the dark aesthetic better since this one doesn't. I gave you points because you put the ✵ on either side of your name (which is actually surprisingly uncommon to see) and it made everything lovely and center. The stars/snowflake reflect your snow-y aesthetic while the font doesn't, so if you changed the font and kept the star/snowflake it'd be a perfect match.

Profile Picture - 9/10

I can see that you've put a dimming filter on the image to make it darker. I like that. The image is basic and simple but it fits. It's a cute image, though I wouldn't say that it fits the "dark" aesthetic. If you want to keep with the anime profile picture I suggest a notorious character (though then again I don't know the character, so if they are actually evil then excuse me).

Background Image - 6/10

I don't think it's great. Yes, it matches with the profile picture, but it cuts off halfway (at least on PC) and is low quality. This is often the problem with images that are art. I think it'd look better and fit your theme more either if it was a plain black or ombre background to fit the dark aesthetic, or maybe while/gray to fit with the snow aesthetic.

Bio - 5/10

Your bio is informative, straight to the point, and looks presentable. I'd suggest to have some of the fonts match with your display name though. I like how you've included your likes and dislikes as well as tagged some people too. I've had to deduct a lot of points, however, because of the spelling mistakes that frankly stick out like a sore thumb. They ruin the whole charm of your profile. Firstly, you've written "closed ones" which is incorrect. It should be "close ones". Furthermore, you've also written "betrayels" which should be "betrayals". Finally, the "nd" from "boyfriend" has been cut off. I do like the humorous "see you in DMs" though, and it made me chuckle. I also see barely any of the dark or snowy aesthetic, which you could definitely add in the form of emojis to make your bio better.

Location - 10/10

It is short, sweet, and simple. The font is attractive and matches with the bio, and I like the snowflake emojis. It matches perfectly with your snowy theme.

Reading Lists - 7/10

They are all well sorted and it is clear what I will find in each list. You've got different fanfictions separate, and you're even promoting your community along the way. I deducted points because I think it would look much better if you stuck to one font and format for all of the lists since they look messy. The letters in the circles are particularly ugly. Personally, I would suggest a format like this: ❄️~ 𝕐𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚 𝔽𝔽.

Vibes - 7/10

I get the vibe that you're quite young, considering the spelling mistakes and anime profile. From your bio I gather you're a nice person, though can be two-faced at times (hence the juxtaposition of kind and cold). Clearly you're loving, and I can see that from the devotion you have to your boyfriend (especially with the whole matching profiles). You've organised your profile well and clearly put effort into aestheticizing the bio, though you just need to be careful with your spelling.

Book Covers - 4/10

The only cover that seems to have any real effort put into it is that of "The Unbreakable Love". The cover in this one is strong, and the writing is clear. However, your other books only have covers that are unedited plain images - witch the exception of "My Loved Ones", which has no cover at all. For that I deducted a lot of points, so I suggest either finding a graphic designer to make covers for you or do it yourself.

Matching - 5/5

The profile picture, the usernames, and even the background image match. It is all very well thought out and the relationship between you guys is really sweet. The "king" and "queen" in your usernames was a smart idea.

Total - 69/95


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