➺ { Echo } HACKERB4E

18 1 3

Rater: ari-gelic

Customer: HACKERB4E

Username: 10/10

i like it! all caps is great for short usernames, and i love the stylization on the A

Display name: 8/10

i do like it, but i kind of wish there was a word as well, not just a star

Theme (pfp & header): 19/20

very pretty! it matches well, but i think it'd look even better if there was more contrast on the background, as your pfp is quite dark. i don't know if that's possible with the filter wattpad puts over backgrounds, though.

Bio: 9/10

i like it! gives a good chunk of things you're into, as well as little tidbits about you. the big block of text might turn off some people from reading it, though.

Location: 4/5

i don't know what it means, but it's alright.

Book covers: 17/20

they're amazing, truly, but they don't match. i know you have your graphic shop, so you probably want to showcase your skills, but i think that's possible to do in a portfolio or something within the book. if you had your covers with the same color scheme/style as where you lead, they'd match the rest of your theme well.

Reading list titles: 10/10

very pretty! i like the emojis and symbols used. they're very organized as well. i know what each list is for.

Overall aesthetic: 9/10

i feel like there's no cohesive theme, especially with the book covers.

Total: 86/95


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