➺ { Astrid } CroodsGirl

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Client: CroodsGirl

Rater: CoffeeAndSilverInk

Username: 15/15


Display name: 14/15

The display name is simple and standardised, which generally works well. It isn't fully displayed on mobile, which is a Wattpad problem.

Profile picture and banner:  9/15

The profile picture and the banner clash due to its vivid colours, which isn't pleasing to the eye. I believe the profile picture when this rating was requested from me was different, and I found the previous one to stand out much more, while this one looks like a disruption of the banner.

Although I understand the intended effect of the banner, it doesn't compliment the profile picture at all. I find the cover collage unnecessary since the covers are already displayed in each book, and such a mixture of colours that it will always drown the profile picture unless it has softer colours than the banner. To achieve contrast between them, consider placing a border on the profile picture

Bio: 12/15

The beginning quote is interesting and has a positive meaning, but I think it could (and should) stand out more with a bold font. The same can be said about the awards and credentials displayed between asterisks. Consider removing the asterisks and making it bold or a different font.

Content wise, there's a lot of information. This is not negative but can be changed a bit. It's not very consistent to have awards and features on top and then mention more awards later on the text. It would look better if they were all in the same place. And since the achievements are already pointed out in each book blurb, I don't find it particularly important to have in the bio.

Besides that, it's well written and has a good amount of information about the author's likes, aspirations and so on.

Reading lists: 8/15

There are a lot of reading lists, and although they are separated through categories that make sense, I think some of them could be joined. The issue with having so many reading lists, although well intentioned according to some of the titles I read, is that not many people will look at the reading lists. For instance "Wattpad, This is Why I Refuse to Give You Five Stars | Undiscovered Authors Are Just as Important!" is a list I assume is meant to show people the hidden pearls on Wattpad. But not many people will scroll down enough to find it, so its purpose is meaningless.

The titles are consistent, all following the same structure, which I find very pleasant. All reading lists have titles that explain well what their content is and some of them are funny.

Books: 9/10

The covers are pretty and although not all of them are the same type, the bright colour scheme is usually followed. This makes the covers stand out to the eye of the readers.

Overall aesthetic: 10/15

My first thought when looking at the profile was "colours". From covers to the header, everything has very vivid colours. I don't see a lot of profiles that give me such an "on your face" vibe, but I quite like it. It's flashy and draws attention.

Total: 77/100


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