➺ { Sara } ParkChillin

26 2 1

Rater: -forever-summer-

Customer: ParkChillin

Username: 6/10

Your username is different from the ones I've come across since it doesn't match what is written on your display name or the name mentioned in your bio. It made me wonder why you chose it. Good job on that. I would suggest that you don't use both capital letters and small letters or capital letters only either. As it doesn't help to make your account more pretty or aesthetic. Try using more small letters and aesthetic words to improve your account aesthetic.

Display name: 5/10

I liked your display name but since it is in the default Wattpad font, I will have to detect some points. It makes your account look too simple. Another pointer would be trying to add a few symbols, it would improve your account aesthetic and match your vibe well. As I first said, try using small letters mostly.

Profile picture: 10/10

I loved your profile picture a lot! It was simple but so good!

Header: 9/10

Your header was great and matched the vibe of your profile picture. But I felt like you could've avoided using a picture of a person, as it takes the shine from the profile picture, which looks great.

Overall theme and book covers: 12/15

I loved how the color scheme of the overall theme all came together. It makes your account look well organized. Though the colors all matched, I felt like your book cover was too dark for your soft and light theme. Other than that, I loved it.

Bio: 4/10

Your bio was nice but I felt like it could've been better. Since you used a lot of fonts, it feels like a lot is going on. You can reduce the number of fonts to 2 or 3 and add a few symbols to make it look more pretty. Reduce the number of quotes to 2, one at the top and one at the bottom. It makes it look less cluttered and more neat. Try adding some more information about yourself too, since whoever clicks on your profile will love to learn more about you.

Location: 5/5

I loved that without leaving it empty you've written something and it also gives a glimpse of you!

Links: N/A

Since there were no links, I won't be rating anything. But it would be better if you add one so that people could get to know you more.

Reading list: 6/15

Your reading list was well organized; one for promotions, your reading list, and read books. But I felt like you could've used song lyrics, quotes, or other language words for the reading list to be more interesting. You can also use different fonts and symbols to make it more pretty and match your vibe well.

Overall aesthetic: 6/10

Your theme was so good. If you had taken a bit more effort in including different fonts in other areas of your account, it would have been better. Try using different fonts too. Other than that your account looks great!

Total: 63/95

These are just my personal opinions and thoughts on how to make your account better. I hope this helped you!


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