➺ { Helena } Rosa_The_Killer

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Customer: Rosa_The_Killer

Username - 3/10

I'm not exactly a fan of it. "Rosa" does match with your concept, however the "killer" part sounds really awkward and I don't really like it. I get that it is from your books but someone who didn't read them wouldn't know that. The underscores also look unappealing, so I suggest removing them. If you desperately want to stick with t he "killer" part I suggest something like: "KillerRosa" or better: "RosesRosa" which sound much nicer. Those might be taken though so you can add things in between like an "x" or put in two of one vowel like this: "KiillerRosaa"

Display Name - 6/10

It is nice, but the font makes the first word hard to read. I'm not sure what it says, so I suggest switching to a clearer font.

Profile Picture - 9/10

It clearly showed me exactly what you're interested in and what I can find on your profile. The edit is also nice and the red colour scheme matches with the roses and background image. overall, it is very well matched. I would only change the font to something more aesthetic.

Background Image - 10/10

It is nice, simple, matches with your concept and profile picture, and is of a high quality. The picture is very nice and I like it a lot.

Bio - 3/10

Not a fan. Everything is really cramped together so I suggest spacing it out and you overused the rainbow emoji and fonts. It would look better without the rainbows (I understand it's Pride month and this might be a theme). Talking about the fonts, I suggest you find one or two that you like and stick to those two instead of mixing the whole set.

Location - 4/10

I'm not sure exactly if this is a random phrase or if it is some lyrics, but either way it isn't very effective (unless it actually is lyrics - I wouldn't know). One thing I can say is that the font isn't very nice and since the phrase is very long it is split up. Try shortening it.

Reading Lists - 9/10

I like how all of them have the same font, and some have the bullet points on either side. I removed a point though because I saw that one of the lists has stars instead of bullet points and another has speech marks, which completely breaks the theme. It would be better if they all stuck to the same theme and had bullet points on either side or at least stars everywhere.

Vibes - 8/10

The profile overall is well organised and I can see you put effort into it. I like the vibes that I get from it.

Book Covers - 10/10

They're awesome! I think that they are really well made and look great, and all match your concept and the theme of the book.

Total - 62/90


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