➺ { Helena } damselcrush

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Client: damselcrush


Username - 9/10

I like your username because it is short, easy to remember, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The words just fit together really well in my opinion and roll off the tongue. I deducted one point, however, because I don't see how it has anything to do with your concept. 

Display name - 10/10

It is simple, has no unnecessary symbols, has proper capitalisation, and gives the viewer some quick information as to what they should refer to you as. As a side note, you have a really beautiful name.

Profile picture - 6/10

The picture itself that you have is really cute. I like how we don't see the character's face and instead, it's a vector image. However, the picture cuts off in the middle which frankly, I cannot overlook. It doesn't look good, and hence I reduced a lot of points. To fix this, I highly encourage you to enlarge the image so the part of the character that cuts off isn't visible. It would make your profile picture look so much better, promise. I also don't like the border around the image and it would look better without it.

Background image - 6/10

The image itself is nice and matches the profile picture colour-wise. However, I don't see why it had anything to do with animation so I deducted points. Also, the device that I use is a laptop and the image is very blurry to the point it has massive pixels everywhere. It doesn't look very nice. I suggest having either a solid background (perhaps pastel pink) that would match the colour of the profile picture or something that matches your theme.

Bio - 0/10

Not very good. It doesn't say anything about you, is only a short sentence that suggests that you don't like what you're doing, and certainly doesn't inspire me (or anyone) to read your books. It just gives the feeling that you really don't care. Which is fine - but it doesn't attract anyone. I suggest stylising it more with emojis, fonts, and if you prefer a simplistic style at least put an introduction.

Location - 6/10

It isn't bad, but it also isn't very original. I see things of the sort almost everywhere. There isn't anything wrong with it though. Can be kept.

Reading Lists - 7/10

They don't really mean much to the audience but clearly they mean something to you and that's what's most important, though you could have categorised them better. You could have also made them more pleasing to the eye with different fonts or emojis. Especially since your concept is meant to be animation but I don't see it anywhere on your profile except the profile picture.

Concept - 4/10

You've said your concept was animation, but I don't see how. Not even the profile picture fully gives me the feeling of animation. I get that it is a hard concept to do, but if it isn't for you maybe experiment with other styles like dark, simplistic (which would work best for you) and maybe cottage core. If you want to stick to the animation concept, emojis throughout and a matching background with profile picture would really help.

Vibes - 5/10

I like how your profile is very personalised, especially regarding the reading lists. I can't quite explain it, but it shows your personality. However, your profile gives me the feeling that very little effort went into it (take the bio, for example) and it isn't a good look. Making your profile look presentable and like you've actually put time into it will improve it greatly.

Books - 3/10

The description isn't very good and gives away very little. It also has only one chapter, so if I were a reader I wouldn't even bother. The background image is nice and you should keep it, however the title blends into the image to much and isn't very noticeable. I can barely read it. Especially the "winks" part of it. I suggest hiring a free graphic designer over WP who can make you a really good cover.

Total - 56/100


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