➺ { Sara } taeminkook2610

15 0 1

Rater: -forever-summer-

Customer: taeminkook2610

Username: 6/10

Your username is nice but I felt like it was a very common one. I loved how you didn't mix capital and small letters. It makes your username look good but the usage of too many numbers makes it hard to remember the username. Try minimizing the usage of numbers. Also, the usage of numbers makes the username less interesting, hard to remember, and less aesthetic. 

Display name: 4/10

What you had written instead of your nickname in the display name part is cute but then mixing capital and small letters isn't a great way to do that. Moreover, it would have been interesting to know more about you and your interests than just your interests. Also, try using different fonts and symbols to make it look more pretty and aesthetic. It will attract more people to your profile.

Profile picture: 6/10

Your profile picture looks great and I love it. But then you could've edited it a bit. In the picture you had used, it seemed you had cut out the person in the background, instead of that, you could've blurred the background or removed the background from the picture. It would make it a bit better. Other than that it looks fine.

Header: 4/10

The header looks nice. I loved the picture you used but then instead of just adding a picture to the background, you could have made a collage of sorts. Since you just added a picture, it is viewed differently on different devices. On mobile phones, only four of them were visible, and On laptops, the picture wasn't complete and the head was slightly cut off. So, I would suggest you make a collage kind of background that will match your aesthetic and bring out the profile picture well. If you need any help regarding that there are a lot of theme designers on Wattpad who could help you with it.

Overall theme: 10/15

Your overall theme is nice and simple. But it could be better with a few changes made here and there.

Bio: 2/10 

Your bio seemed too simple and it did not have enough information about you. The only information it had were you are a BTS stan, you are a writer, and your Instagram handle. For a reader to get to know about the writer, a bio is one of the ways. It would have been better if you had written a few of your likes, dislikes, character traits, and your favorite quote or lyrics. Also, try using different fonts and symbols to make your account more pretty and attractive. It'll be a great first impression on readers. If you need any help with bios, there are a lot of bio designers on Wattpad, who could help you with designing yours.

Location: n/a 

There was no location entered for me to rate it. But it would have been better if you had. It would help the readers get to know you better. Though it didn't have to be your real location. You could have added something that would suit your overall theme.For example, "At Seoul "; "becoming the eighth one" and "searching my heart ❤ ". Try using different fonts and symbols to make it more pretty.

Link: n/a

Link is also a way a reader gets to know their author. So, it would have been great if you had added it. In a carrd link, you could add all your socials and about yourself too. That way, readers will be able to follow you from other socials and support you for writing. Instead of just letting the readers know about your Instagram handle alone, you could add more links and make yourself more interesting. If you need help creating your carrd, you can always approach a carrd designer, there are a lot of them in Wattpad. They will make your overall profile more aesthetic and interesting.

Reading list: 8/15

You had two reading lists in your profile and I kind of feel like it was a bit messy. One shot, fanfic, original books, and graphic portfolio all were placed in the same reading list. Also, the reading list names could have been better. You could get creative with it. You can use song lyrics, quotes, names, or even other language words to make it more interesting and exciting for readers who visit your profile for a book recommendation. Try using different fonts and symbols to make it more pretty and attractive for the readers.

Overall aesthetic: 5/10

Your overall aesthetic is good but it could be so much better with a few changes made. It could be so much more interesting too. Try minimizing the number in your profile, add a suitable display name, and make sure the picture you use as your header is visible, or you can make a collage header for your profile. It would be great if you added a bit more information about yourself too. It would bring readers closer to you, the author. Make it pretty by adding symbols and using different fonts. Try getting creative with your location and reading list name. All these changes would bring you closer to your readers and the people who will visit your profile. They will also be able to connect with you more. 

Total: 45/90


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