➺ { Helena } bookloving_pearl

28 6 2

Client: bookloving_pearl

Rater: helixgro

Username - 7/10

I like your username because of the originality; it isn't one that you'd see most often. Also, I like how you've linked a hoppy/interest of yours to a noun like pearl. It's creative and unique. However, I've deducted points because I don't like the underscore between "loving" and "pearl". In my opinion, the username would look much better without it if it was only "booklovingpearl"

Display name - 10/10

I like the font of it, and I think it matches perfectly with your aesthetic and background image. You've written your name so others know what to call you, and the "Weasley" tells me your main fandom and what I may look for on your profile. I even like the capitals, and I think they're very eye catching.

Theme - 18/20

I love the aesthetic you have going on. Spring/fairy really matches your profile, and the images fit with each other really well. It looks like the two photos were taken at the same location. Even the smallest detail like the white rim around your profile picture looks really good, and does a good job of separating the profile picture and background, since the images are so similar. I've deducted points because the background image is extremely blurry on PC and ruins the whole aesthetic mood.

Bio - 13/20

I like your bio because of the fonts. The »»-----------► looks really good with your profile, especially as a means of separating different sections of the bio. I also like how you've listed your published books and their status, as well as your shops neatly separated through the arrows. The quotes are also creative and match ideally with your username, the motif of "books" explored throughout your profile. However, I don't understand the point of the tags at the bottom. They've been put in the same font as the rest of the profile, which means that I can't click on them to view the person's profile. I also can't copy and paste them into the search bar, because it isn't a Wattpad font. This means that the only way to see their profile is to manually type in their username, which is a waste of time. No one is ever going to do that. I suggest you type in the tags normally so it is possible to navigate them.

Location - 5/5

It's short, sweet and pleasant. It doesn't divert away from the theme of your profile, and the font is attractive.

Link - 0/5

There is no link. This is fine and works for your profile, but make sure to remove it from your criteria next time as to not lose points.

Reading Lists - 9/10

The reading lists are all well sorted and each book fits its category well. The fonts match as well and follow a similar theme. I like how you've adding "My Graphics" to the reading lists to further promote your shops; it was a smart and tactful idea.

Concept - 3/5

The concept of your profile is clearly Harry Potter themed. Standalone it is good, since anything on your profile I can trust to match this theme. However, I don't see anything Harry Potter themed in the profile picture and background, which I think you could alter.

Vibes - 9/10

I get really good vibes from your profile. Clearly everything has been thought out and you've made an effort into making it look appealing, and the same goes to your book. This appearance of a well-kept profile also gives the impression that your books will be to a high standard. It also gives the impression that you're generally an approachable and open person.

Books - 4/5

I like how each of your covers are different. They don't follow a similar stimulus, and each cover matches the description and contents of your books. Since they can't be distinguishable as yours from the covers, I've noticed that instead they all have the same font which can be spotted all across your profile. None of them divert away from this, and I like the way the titles are presented with the title being separated from the fandom by "||". The only fault I could have found with the title font is that depending on the type of device that someone is on, the text could be censored. I had this problem with my old phone, and any font that wasn't a Wattpad font would censor like this ☐☐☐☐☐. If you want to avoid this, I encourage you to return to normal fonts.

Total - 78/100


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