➺ { Helena } JoyOzokolo

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Client: JoyOzokolo

Username - 10/10

I like it. The combination of words is nice and there are no underscores or dashes (which I personally hate) and the two words have a ring to them. Good job, I have nothing to complain about.

Display name - 7/10

I assume that it is a pseudonym? I'm not sure, and it does sound like a cool one and would make for a good username, but it seems out of place. That's not exactly the purpose of a display name, which is why I deducted points.

Theme - 7/10

I like the profile picture you have because it clearly links to your concept of k-pop. I'm not sure who the idol is, though. I've deducted points because the profile picture is rather plain, so I suggest maybe adding a filter and stylising it it bit to make it better. As for the background image, I think you could use a real image of Blackpink instead of a fanart because fanarts often are a lower quality and go blurry.

Bio - 4/10

Either it is a bunch of gibberish or song lyrics, and frankly, I can't tell. The emojis don't compliment each other and overall, it isn't very good. I suggest a little more of an introduction to yourself rather than just mentioning you like k-pop so your readers get to know you, and find more aesthetically pleasing emojis.

Location - 4/10

Also, not very good. The last parts makes me think that it isn't actually where you live and you're only lying for whatever reason. At least removed the part in parenthesis so people actually believe you. If this isn't the case then please excuse me, but the last part seriously it would be so much better without it.

Reading Lists - 7/10

All of the lists are clearly sorted and I can find exact things I was looking for in each category. It is all well organised. One thing that I suggest is to make them more eye-catching/pleasing by experimenting with fonts and emojis.

Vibes - 5/10

Well you definitely give me the vibes of a hardcore k-pop stan. Other than that, I can't really pick out anymore of your personality as I know so little about you. You haven't mentioned your interests, likes, or dislikes at all and your profile is entirely k-pop based right from the books to the profile pic to the location.

Book cover - 7/10

The cover is actually quite nice. Usually I'd pick out the absence of the title on it but since this is only a meme book it isn't really necessary and not something readers would focus on. Other than that, there is not much else to comment on.

Concept - 6/10

In all honesty, I am not a fan of k-pop profiles. I don't rate you based on what I myself prefer, but rather on what your profile looks like and how well things fit together. Regarding yours, it looks really disorganised and all over the place. You have a clear concept you stuck to (which is good) but I'm talking about the separate bits of your profile like the profile picture and background image that just don't go with each other. Try finding a set colour scheme to help.

Total - 57/90


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