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Omniscient Morelli Estate

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Morelli Estate

"Are you insane?" Raina storms towards Adrian kicking him in his stomach, making him fly backwards.

Raina walks over to him stepping on his chest, crouching down to look at him. She was sick of him, utterly sick of him. She put up with him until now but she didn't care who's father he was she won't be threatened.

"It seems that drug made you lose your mind even if it has been a while. How about I beat some sense into you huh?" Adrian was shocked that she was speaking to him in this manner.

Raina stood up and backed up a few paces still staring at Adrian with hard eyes. She cracked her knuckles impatiently waiting for him to get up.

"Stand up."


"Stand. Up." She spat making him slowly stand up.

"Since you wanna throw shit, we can fight." Adrian didn't want to but Raina didn't care.

"I'm not fighting-" Raina scoffs.

"But you'll throw a knife at me?" You could see the crazy in her eyes.

Raina has been through just enough that one little thing could make her bloodthirsty. She wanted a piece of everyone who's ever pissed her off. If her mother was standing right in front of her she would be bashing her head in.

"Raina I just-" Raina throws a punch making his head jerk back.

Adrian held his nose as it bled into his hands. He looked back at Raina with wide eyes. Raina's eyes held no remorse or even sympathy for Adrian just anger.

"You punched me..." He wipes his nose as it runs with blood.

"And I'll do it again and again and again because you think you can keep fucking with me." She spat pushing his chest.

"You think you can control me? Think you can do whatever you want because you think you're some fucking boss? Well you're not." Raina says staring intensely into his eyes.

"I'm only going to punch you once because you threw the dagger but if you ever do that shit again I'll be sure to break your fucking neck." She goes to back away from Adrian when the door was busted into.

There stood Kyro and Russ with worried looks. They both rushed towards Raina to check if Adrian had put his hands on her. Russ looks over at Adrian to see his bloody nose and rolls his eyes.

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