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Raina DionContinued

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Raina Dion

"Who's your wife?" Heads snapped towards where the voice came from and low and behold.

"Why're you all yelling like you have no sense?"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Everyone in the room looked at me like I had three heads. I was confused as to why they stared at me like that. Adrian's eyes were watering as he started walking closer to me. Russ was in shock and unable to move.

"Why're you guys staring at me like that?" I ask, genuinely confused at the situation before me.

"You remember us?" Russ asks with a concerned look on his face.

"Of course I do. What's wrong with you? Why am I here?" I was irritated by the fluorescent lights beaming into my head.

The looks on their faces and the silence after I asked a question pissed me off. I took a deep breath trying to remember what happened last. I open my eyes and take a look around the room once more before landed on the two men again.

"I can't believe you remember us." Russ mumbles. I had an eyebrow raised as if to question him.

"Why do you keep saying that? As if I've been gone or something?" My eyes dart between the two men.

My eyes landing on Adrian I remembered something important. I remember the argument we had and what he said about taking Luce away. I remembered all of that.

"Where is my baby? Where is Luce?" I say specifically to Russ.

"She stepped out with Kyro." I sigh in relief.

"Bring her in here. Now." I demand. I didn't want to sound mean but I'm scared.

Russ calls them in from the hallway and after a few seconds they come waltzing in the door. Luce looked so big. Her skin was glowing and her hair was in cute twisted ponytails. She looked beautiful and I feel as if I missed something.

Luce stared at me with pity in her eyes. I just wanted to hold her. I've missed her so much. It feels like I haven't seen her in so long.

"Hi baby." Luce slowly walked towards me. She makes it to my bed and places her hand on mine.

"Hi mommy. I've missed you." She whispers hugging me as I hug her back.

"I've missed you even more." I whisper as tears begin to brim my eyes.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚

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