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Raina Dion
Dion Residence
A Few Days Later

I snapped my harness on and fixed my bun in the mirror

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I snapped my harness on and fixed my bun in the mirror. It was my first night back on the field and this one was a doozy. I have to take down this gang that's been trouble in town for months. It wasn't anything big to me but to HQ it was since they can't get any information on the Morelli's.

"Mommy are you like a superhero?" I chuckled before turning to Luce.

"Do you think I am?" She nodded rapidly before walking into my room with her Lovey and onto my bed.

"Then I am." She smiles wide and grabs my remote handing it to me.

This has been a routine since my mother's outburst and Luce's strike against my parents house. She didn't want to go back especially since my mother said she won't apologize to Luce because she didn't feel the need to. I'm not raising my child to think it's okay for someone to take their anger out on her and not apologize.

"Can I watch Chowder?" I nod before hitting the HBOMax app and turning it on.

"Ready for abuelo to come see you?" She nodded.

Ever since my dad left his house he's been staying here for a while until he can get to another one. I knew my mom was crazy but not crazy enough to beat my dad like that. It ran chills down my spine because I've only seen them happy and joking. I'm not surprised though just disappointed.

"We can watch movies together and make snacks!" She rambled on about how her Friday night was going to go.

I put the finishing touches on my outfit before placing my ear piece in and turning towards her. I spread my arms and spin.

"How do I look?" I ask her and drop my arms.

"Like a superhero mommy!" She said coming up to hug me.

I caress her head and smile. All I keep chanting in my head is do it for her. I'll make sure my baby is safe at all costs with this we're also getting protection. It's not strong enough protection but it's something instead of nothing. I hear my front door open indicating that my dad was here.

"I'm back! Luce we can start a movie now!" She climbed out of my bed dashing into the kitchen. I was right behind her watching as she hugged my dad.

"I'll be back late but there's food here or you can order out. Luce knows what she likes so don't worry about calling if you don't know." I said giggling as he waved me off.

"Go and save the world while I have yours under my utmost protection." He says and kisses her cheek.

"Be careful mommy." She says blowing me a kiss.

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