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Adrian Morelli
Morelli Estate

My father called me over to discuss something with us

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

My father called me over to discuss something with us. I had no idea what it was but I was currently having the Dion household watched in case Raina showed up. I'm not idiot I know a fake I.D when I see one and she's clever covering her tracks. She's been trained I know that for sure it was hard to find her and it's as if she's got the same training as I do.

"Adrian? Figlio are you listening to me?" I snapped out of my daze and put all my attention on my father.

"Sorry papá I'm just overthinking is all. Repeat what you said." Papá shakes his head with a small smile before pulling out a folder.

"They're after us again. It's been a couple years since they've been in action." Alejandro groans loudly.

"F.S is after us again? When will they quit? Didn't their star agent leave?" I shook my head chuckling at him.

"Yes about four years ago but inside voices say that she's back after some convincing." The gears in my head start turning again.

Papá opens the folder and laying the contents on his desk. We've never seen the agent before because she's quick and clean. They've sent her on a tail so much I'm sure she's tired of it. He drops pictures of a silhouette on a corner as I'm walking towards the truck. I analyze it and go to the next one.

This one was blurry but I could definitely make out a skin tone and the hair. I started to think of her again but now wasn't the time. I shook the thought away this time my father said he had a video to show us. It was the spy again but this time she was aiming at me up until I turned around as if she got startled she lowers her gun and swiftly walks away.

"Go back to when she turns around and pause." I tell Papá and he nods while doing so.

"Here you go again lover boy. When are you going to let Riley go?" Ale asked me but little did he know I found her.

He paused the video and we saw her face clear as day due to the wind. It was her mio Tesoro. She could've killed me right then and there and yet she didn't. Now the question remains why didn't she. I didn't want to hear it from her deranged mother I wanted to hear it from her lips.

"That's her? You had sex with the F.S spy?! Coglione." Ale said as she slumped in the chair with a hand on his face.

"Figlio this is the woman you've been looking for? Why?" I hadn't told my father why I was looking for "Riley". Ale just told him I was looking for a woman making him think I was settling down and dating.

"Papá I haven't been completely honest with you and I know that's one thing you hate but it was for a good reason. It was one night I went to the bar. I was waiting for one of your spies to come give me information but they never showed up. She was there and we talked and I felt like I've known her forever and we clicked I guess. We ended up together that night and when I woke up she was long gone." I said reliving the night mentally.

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