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3rd Person
Dion Residence
Next Day

Raina made it to what is now her mother's home since her parents are going through a divorce

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Raina made it to what is now her mother's home since her parents are going through a divorce. She knocked and waited about three minutes until her mother opened the door. When she did her mother didn't look like she was going through a divorce at all.

"What do you want?" She asks Raina a mug on her face.

"I wanted to talk to you like an adult." Her mother nodded before moving aside letting her in.

They sat in the living room that was once decorated with family portraits. Now it was bare and replaced with antiques. Crazy how quickly someone moves when they never loved the person in the first place.

"I wanted to ask you something." Her mother raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not doing any favors child. I've done enough and deserve happiness." Raina rolled her eyes at the statement.

As if Hale had been a mother at all. She has this switch that flips on and off. One day she wants to be a mother the other she wants to be a woman out on the town with no responsibilities at all. Raina was sick of her mother's on and off parenting but now she had gotten her child involved and she didn't like that.

No matter if it was Adrian. Imagine if it wasn't and Luce got kidnapped at the end of the park. What would her mother have said then? It was an accident? She wouldn't have wanted to hear that. All she had to do was follow a set of rules who knows what Raina and Luce are in for now.

"I'm not a charity case mama. Did you invite a man here before to meet my daughter?" She scoffed.

"I won't lie to you Raina your not a baby anymore but yes I did because he looked exactly like Luce and I thought he was the father. I wanted a DNA test done immediately." This fueled Raina's rage. She knew her mother was hardheaded but not to the point of possibly putting her in danger.

"Why the fuck would you do that? She could've been hurt! You can't just let any mothafucka in your house that you don't know!" She'd never cussed at her parents before but Hale needed to be cussed out among other things.

"You telling me what to do in my house Raina Maia Dion? Last I checked I raised your ungrateful ass." Raina was taken back by what she said.

"Your name ain't even on this damn house for it to be yours. You don't pay no damn bills either!" She sucked her teeth.

Hale never had to work for anything in her life. She assumed she didn't have to since her dad was rich from starting his own corporation. He was poor growing up and decided to do something about it and tried countless ideas until one stuck. It just so happens that running a national business on cleaning supplies was he shtick.

Hale's father Joseph didn't want her or her brothers and sisters to grow up spoiled and rotten. He wanted them to learn the value of everything and that it won't be handed to you. Hale's mother Ophelia on the other hand was born into money but also had the same beliefs as Joseph because her family almost went bankrupt due to Hale's grandfather's friend trying to steal from him.

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