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Raina Dion
Same Day

"Mommy can we go out today? I don't see you a lot anymore

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"Mommy can we go out today? I don't see you a lot anymore." Luce said pouting at me.

She woke me up because she was feeling sad. To be honest I was barely listening due to the long night I had. He ended up following me home anyway I don't know if he thinks I'm stupid but a dark black car following is not inconspicuous in the slightest.

I don't remember falling asleep and I didn't sleep with my bonnet on so all I can do is pray my hair isn't tangled. I look back over to Luce and yawn while covering my mouth. I nod and she smiles wide before running in her room. I did my hygiene and went to my closet to get dressed.

I checked the weather before getting dressed seeing it was 59 degrees. It has been getting chilly outside so I put on my long sleeve shirt and ripped jeans. I went to go check and see what Luce was going to put on since she's been dressing herself.

"I know you lying Luce. What do you have on mama?" She smiled at me before spinning in her outfit.

My daughter put on her favorite purple dress with her polka dot tights and yellow boots. Her accessories threw it off even more than the boots. She had on her plastic play princess necklace along with her other plastic rings. I tried to hold in my laugh so I don't hurt my baby's feelings.

"I'm pretty mommy! Like you see!" She said twirling again.

"I see that baby but let's fix it okay?" Luce immediately nodded.

I remove the shoes and accessories since the tights seem to match. I grab her black Ugg's instead and put her locket around her neck. I let her wear her plastic ring since she wanted to so badly.

"All done! I think you look beautiful baby." I said kissing her cheek.

"I look like a princess right mommy?" I nodded and she squeals running towards her mirror.

She was bouncing and smiling. I love to see her like this and I'd do anything to keep it this way. She ran into my room and came back almost as quickly as she left. She had a brush and had the rubber band that was previously in her hair in her tiny hands.

"Can you fix it please?" I nodded as she sat at her own vanity and I'm on my knees brushing her hair back into a ponytail.


We just left the movies and now we're getting ice cream. We walked out of the parlor and onto the sidewalk. We were hand in hand just eating and walking until she tugged me. I look down to see her eyes wide and look up to see a Farris wheel.

"Mommy can we go to the fair? Please!" I sigh before nodded as we walked towards the fair.

It was beautiful while the sun was setting. The lights were now on and everyone was lively. I enjoyed things like this as a teenager. Sneaking out with my friends and our parents not knowing a thing. It's risky now and I can honestly say now that I have a child I'd be scared as fuck if she did that. Wouldn't be much I can do anyway but let her experience things and learn from them.

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