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Same night

Adrian was worried about Raina since she didn't come back

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Adrian was worried about Raina since she didn't come back. It was about two-thirty in the morning and Luce is fast asleep. She was wondering why her mama wasn't home yet so Adrian laid with her until she went to sleep. He decided to go check if she went back to her office because something wasn't sitting right with him.

About fifteen minutes before the incident he left the house. He had Julio watch Luce since he trusted him the most out of all his men. The rest securely watched the house. He made it to her job and did what he does best to get into places without being seen.


Raina put her hands on him to push him away but he grabbed her wrists gently. She tries to roughly budge him but due to the alcohol he can barely feel it. She knew he was drinking but she really didn't think he was drinking. She is tired and all her adrenaline is gone after a long night. The thunder is still as loud as ever and the lightning makes the power go out. This causes her heart rate to speed up a tremendous amount.

She could feel the door open. She was scared now because you never know who it could be. When the power came back on her eyes widen at the sight of Adrian. What Adrian sees is a man on top of his scared lover planting kisses on her. What Raina saw was an expressionless Adrian just staring at what could possibly be her about to fuck another man.

Raina knew they weren't together but it was the fact they had sex yesterday. She didn't want him to think she'd put his health in danger like that. Adrian stormed over to them and flung Russ to the other side of the room. Raina's eyes widen and avert to Adrian who is still expressionless. Adrian didn't care that he threw the man he just wanted to make sure she was okay. He squatted down to her level and cupped her face in his hands as her worried eyes wonder over his face.

"Va tutto bene, tesoro?" (Are you alright, honey?) He whisper to her, rubbing his thumb on her cheek.

"Yeah." He could feel her shaking. He didn't know if it was because of the loud noise or the situation at hand.

"Stai tremando Raina." (You're shaking Raina) She didn't notice until he said something.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine. The storm is just rowdy tonight." Adrian just stares not believing her.

He glanced behind him at Russ who was slowly sobering up. He stood up and walked over to him making Raina's heart pound in her ears. He pressed his foot on Russ' chest roughly. Russ groans in pain as he just got the wind knocked out of him not too long ago.

"You think that was slick huh? Maiale." (Pig) Adrian spat pushing him back down with his foot.

"Adrian that's enough he gets it." Adrian didn't want to hear that though

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