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It was my first day of shooting in the MV. I was with two staff members, P'nia and P'she, and we were on our way to the set. I was reading my textbook to pass the time while we were driving.

Gayle wasn't with me today because our scene is different and I think it's going to be in a different set, but there are other girls that are going to be with me, and that's why P'nam assigned staff to come with me. P'freen is unable to attend because she is also overburdened with work.

Phone notification: (text from Freen)


Be safe on your way there, drink a lot of water, and rest when you can enjoy your shoot, okay?<3

I will, and I wish you luck and safety at work today fighting!. ;))


I smiled when I read the message. It was the first time that I would work with P'freen since the ad. It was nice having her around at work.

I feel so comfortable and safe working with people who give you comfort.

Having P'freen Ange and Gayle around is really comforting, but we are in a reality where we have to meet new people and socialize with them, work with them, and get new experiences with them.

It's part of growing up; you have to explore and step out of your comfort zone from time to time to gain more knowledge by meeting people and learning some new things.

We arrive at the set on time, and P'John greets me. He is our producer. He shows me the wardrobe, where the other girls are getting ready as well.

"Girls, this is Becca. I'm sure I met them; she's going to be with us on the shoot; this is Leah, Shaira, and Yoanna; you will have the scene with them." he said and smiled. I waved at them and shook their hands.

P'John left after he introduced me to them so we could finish up getting dressed.

"Becca, are you a foreigner?" She asked

it's Leah if I was not mistaken.

"Oh, yes, I'm half Thai and half British."

"Wow, really, so you can speak Thai?"

"Yes, I lived in Thailand before coming here to the Philippines."

"Really, your English is very good and fluent; was that your first language?"

"Yes, I lived in England before moving to Thailand, how about you? Are you full blooded?"

"Yes, I'm a full-blooded Filipino; do you understand Tagalog?"

"Uhm, I really just know a few words."

"When we have time, I will teach you." She happily offered, and I smiled and ate her, agreeing that it wasn't that bad for a first day. They are very friendly, and the ambiance is not that heavy.

After we finished getting dressed, we went out immediately and started shooting.

P'John gave us her objectives, and it's up to us how we're going to do it. It was a total adlib, with self-choices for each action of the shoot, and they are pretty good at it.

We blend in so well, their adlibs are fine and detailed, and we really talk about what we're going to do, even though we're just going with the flow of each other.

As the shooting continued, I tried to observe the surroundings and find a way to blend it in. It was really unlikely of me, but it was fun.

After our shoot, I texted P'Freen.

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