Revel at the Palace Part 2

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We're all shocked after knowing that there is a fan meeting here in the bar, and P'Freen is kind of worried that we're being tricked for this because this might involve money like sponsors and coordinators or tickets to enter here, and that's not right.

They are taking advantage of us and the fans, too.

"Ma'am, here are some appetizers and drinks from Revel at the Palace; please enjoy your food while the event hasn't started yet; Mr. Lim will arrive shortly." one of the staff members said.

He put the food on our table with a bottle of beer and a shot of tequila.

"Wait, what do you mean by event—what's actually going to happen?" Angge asked

"Bale, ma'am, the fans will walk here, and according to the coordinators, you can take pictures with them and sign the banners given to them by 9:00 p.m., ma'am, the fans will arrive. Please enjoy your food," he said before he left.

" What did P'Nam said?" I asked P'freen

"She doesn't know about this; she said it was supposed to be a meeting only, and she didn't agree to any fan meet, and they didn't even say that we had to drink; she said we shouldn't— "

P'freen wasn't able to finish what she was saying because Gayle took the shot of tequila and drank it right.

"—Drink or eat anything they give," she continued, stunned. we're all shocked.

"Why?" Gayle confusedly ask she's not listening T_T

"P'nam said we shouldn't eat or drink anything that they gave us," I said with panic.

*cough* "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Gayle said Angge asked for bottled water and made sure that it wasn't opened for safety.

Face palms

"Ma'am, the fans are here. Please sit here." The staff asked. We looked at each other and took a deep breath.

"Alright, listen; physical touch is up to you. If you don't want to get held by people, that's totally fine. We can politely say no, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to shake their hands, that's okay. If they want to embrace you but you are not comfortable doing that, that's totally okay. It's your body. It's your choice. You have your right to agree and disagree, okay?" P'Freen said we smiled at her and nodded.

She doesn't want to invade our personal space, and that is what makes me admire her most. She respects people's choices and also looks at other people's perspectives.

We sat on the high chairs, thank God. We wore jeans and shirts. P'freen advised us to wear formal and comfortable clothing.

The fans started walking towards us, and I chose to shake their hands and take a picture with them. There are times that they want to cling their hands to my shoulder, but I refuse it out of respect for P'Freen as well.

She's my person, and I know that people have different kinds of perspectives on this, but I chose not to. I'm more comfortable shaking their hands.

The banners are adorable, and they have our pictures, so I signed below my photo.

As we continued to entertain the fans, when my phone rang.

*Incoming call* (from P'nam)

"Please excuse me for a while P'nam is calling," I said. P'Freen looked at me and nodded.

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