"No one dies? Okay?" Tony ordered, meaning it before you all ran out, taking down whatever came in your path.

Thor used his hammer, striking down groups of soldiers with his lightning. Wanda used her powers, throwing them in the air in all directions as the Hulk leaped, crushing them with his force, punching them as he ran through them.

Tony was hovering in the sky, blasting them from his high ground until he was knocked down from one of the creature's high jumps. You saw the main problem and took it in your hands to solve, generating all your power in your hands, you aimed at the ship's engine, a blast of gold and white leaving your hands as it crossed through the sky, right through the ship and out of the other side.

Seeing this made some damage, you ran through the battle, burning everything that touched you in the process as you got knocked down a few times.

Once you had finally gotten to a better spot, you built up your powers once more and aimed at the ship and shot once more, doing this time and time over until the missiles stopped, giving to your advantage.

You looked around, trying to find anyone of your own and saw as Tony nodded at you from behind his mask before flying off to battle, taking on everything that came his way.

By watching him leave, you let your guard down and was grabbed with ease by a creature much larger than you, or any human, could be.

Struggling to fight out of its grip, you heated your hand up, pressing it to the creates giant arm but it didn't let you go. You needed to do more.

For this first time in a long time, you forced yourself to boil your whole body, a glow of gold surrounding you as you did.

Burning through the creature's grip, you slipped out of it when it had loosened its hold on you as it let out an ear bleeding screech that caught the attention of Wanda.

Picking it up with her powers, she flung it across the battlefield which was once the acres of the compound and you silently thanked her with a nod.

You ran into action, helping your family as you all new you were not making this fight. Not with the amount of people your side had compared to theirs.

As if on cue, a large portal was formed, soldiers from Wakanda walked through, weapons of all sorts held in their hands, the king, T'Challa, led the warriors into battle. Accepting the risks to help his close friends in wining this fight.

Cap thanked him with the movement of his head as his hand dropped to his side, watching as they all entered the battleground. Everyone stood in formation, you lifted your hood on your suit, covering your face with the mask for the first time since owning it until the order to charge was sent out.

Weapons encountered the other side, powers from both you and Wanda being a significant help as everyone fought for their lives, for their land, for the world.

The fight was messy, people dropping to their death all around you but all you could think about was that she needed to be safe. Nat needed to be okay. You fought off the weird looking thing that came at you before you looked around, hoping to spot your redhead somewhere in the hundreds of figures all around. You could not see her. You looked all over and she was nowhere to be seen. You set yourself ready to run, until a large force wrapped around your neck, the hand of their leader.

"Going somewhere?" He snickered, squeezing his hand around your neck and you tried to fight him off with everything. The burning of your body didn't affect him in the slightest as he laughed at you, finding you pathetic. "They have a little a firebug." He laughed loudly as you gave up trying to use your powers against him.

"You aren't winning this." You gritted out through your teeth, clawing at his hands and his face lit up in a disgusting look of amusement.

"Aren't I?" He gestured to the place around him, seeing Sam on his back with something scarily close to him, Peter being grabbed out of the air and Kate being tossed through the grounds of battle.

Your eyes landed on Tony, his suit near enough destroyed and for a moment you thought he was right. For a moment.

Anger flooded through you, what would have been your veins but what you had was much better than that. You felt the power, the energy build up inside you, heating up your insides as your whole body began to glow with an eye burning gold. You felt your eyes burn, the reflection of yourself in his eyes made you smirk. Your eyes glowed white, the previous color now gone like it was never there.

You lost the feeling of his grip as light shone from your hands, from your feet and from your eyes, causing everyone and everything to stop in their tracks, trying to find the source of this new light.

Then it happened.

Everything in your power was used against him, a giant wave of light covering the place from miles out, people being knocked over with the force of it as you let out your final ability.

Everything was quiet, everyone covering themselves on the floor or behind Wanda's shield she had created. They were all looking for you, looking for each other, looking for anything.

Cap was the first to get to you, picking your breathing body up in his arms to move you from the ground. He carried you over to what used to be Tony's car that was now crushed into a clump of metal and sat you up against it, everyone soon rushing over to you.

"Y/n?" Wanda let out in a shaky voice, stopping dead in her tracks as you looked at her weakly.

"Is Nat okay?" Your voice was weak, barely audible by now as you felt hopeless, "Where's Nat?"

"She's here." Thor spoke, setting the girl down in front of you and a wave of panic shot through you until she sat up, looking around trying to find you and when she did, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at you, rushing over to cup your cheeks.

"Y/n? Oh my God, you're okay." She hugged you, crying into your shoulder but pulled back when she realized you didn't move. "Y/n.." she studied you, her eyes falling to your limp arms, numb at your side as you tried to smile at her.

"Not lazy." You tried to brighten the mood, everyone stood around you worried at your state, Wanda already crying as Kate held on to her.

"Y/n.. no." She cried out, watching your eyes forcefully move to hers, "Heal yourself!" She yelled through her tears and Thor placed his hand on her shoulder before she hit it away, screaming at him to stop. "Bruce," she thought aloud, leaving your eyes for the slightest moment as she looked around to try and find the doctor who would now be a giant green, very unmissable man, "Where's Bruce!" She cried, sobbing through her words.

"Let her go." Tony whispered, holding back tears of his own.

"No! No, I'- I-" She tried, shaking her head before she looked back at you, cupping your face, "You're not leaving me, got it?" She watched as your eyes as you stared back at her, your breathing slowing down, "No." She told you, swallowing as she shook her head, "Y/n, you did it," She smiled weakly, as she whispered to you, "You did it, my love, you did it."

"Nat." Peter spoke, his tear-stained cheeks being refreshed with a set of new ones when he nodded back to you.

"No." She croaked out, her eyes searching for any light, any life in yours.

"She's gone." Cap spoke, swallowing the lump in his throat as he looked down the ground to hide his tears.

"I'm so sorry, Nat." Wanda told her, pulling her back from you and engulfing her in a hug, letting her friend cry onto her as she let her own tears fall, barely being able to look at you.

Movement was heard behind her, pressing the button on your bracelet to lock up your suit for the very last time before Kate took Nat's hand and silently placed your bracelet into it, watching as she clutched the bracelet in her grip, not daring to look down at what she had left of you.

Not by choice (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now